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Miley Cyrus is an American actress, singer and songwriter. Her father is singer, Billy Ray Cyrus. Many people would be of the opinion that Miley has a nice body, as she has proven in some of her most recent Music Videos to include Wrecking Ball.

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Q: Does Miley have a nice body?
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Did Hannah Montana shoot a guy?

No, Miley is a nice person. She would never shoot anybody.

Is Hilary Duff nice?

No she is not, she put naked pics of herself on the web along with Ashley Tisdale, Vannesa Hudgens, and Miley Cyrus!

What is Miley Cyrus's personality type?

From what people said about her she can be very nice but still very annoying and bratty. Personally i don't like the girl, but that's just my opinion.

Does miley have a crush on Taylor Lautner?

If by Miley you mean Miley Cyrus, then no.

What is the birth name of Jerry Miley?

Jerry Miley's birth name is Emmor Jerome Miley.

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Both are really nice. In prettiness Miley is better and in singing Miley is better.

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Well, what do you think? My opinion is that she is very nice.

Has Miley Cyrus ever dated anybody that isn't rich?

MAYBE ,miley a nice girl

Does Miley Cyrus mock Selena Gomez?

i think miley does mock her i think that she is not very nice to Selena

How can you speak with Miley Cyrus?

you can speak with Miley like she is your friend because she is a kind nice and smart teenager

How do you get Miley Cyrus body?

if u want miley cyruses body ur going to have to meet her

Is Miley Cyrus nice to her dad?

yeah. Miley Cyrus loves her dad a lot but sometimes her and her parents argue.

Is it true that miley was dancing nasty in party in the US?

I do not think that miley dance nasty in the awards.SHE is very nice

Why Miley Cyrus is lucky?

She can sing and has nice....ya know....