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There have been two Queen Elizabeths.

Elizabeth II had one sister, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon. However, Princess Margaret died in 2002.

For Elizabeth I, it's complicated.

Her mother was Anne Boleyn. Anne had three other pregnancies, but one of them ended in a miscarriage, another in a stillbirth, and one was a son (named Henry) who died only a few minutes after being born. So Elizabeth had no full siblings who survived infancy.

However, her father was Henry VIII, who eventually was married six times... Anne was his second wife... and through him, she had quite a few half-siblings.

Before Henry got married, he had a mistress who became pregnant and gave birth to a son, Henry FitzRoy ("son of the king"). Henry (the father) acknowledged that Henry FitzRoy was his son.

Henry also slept with Anne's sister Mary, and there has been speculation that Mary's two children (a son, Henry, and a daughter, Catherine) may have been Henry's; however, Henry never publically acknowledged them the way he had Henry FitzRoy.

He had six children with his first wife, Catherine of Aragon: A stillborn daugher, a son named Henry Duke of Cornwall who died when he was about two months old, a stillborn son, a second son also named Henry Duke of Cornwall (by this point, you have probably noticed a pattern forming) who died within a month, a daughter Mary, and an unnamed daughter who died within a week.

Henry's third wife was Jane Seymour, who bore him one child (Edward ... I don't know if Henry finally realized the "Henry Jr." thing wasn't working out, or what) and died shortly afterward.

Henry's fourth wife was Anne of Cleves. He never actually slept with her.

Henry's fifth wife was Catherine Howard. They had no children.

Henry's sixth wife was Catherine Parr. They also had no children. Catherine did remarry after Henry's death and give birth to a daughter (Mary Seymour), but Mary Seymour was neither a full nor half sibling of Elizabeth.

Counting just those that survived infancy, then, that gives Elizabeth a total of one acknowledged but illegitimate half-brother (Henry FitzRoy), one half-sister (Mary), one possible half-brother (Henry Carey) and half-sister (Catherine Carey) who were not acknowledged, and one half-brother (Edward).

Edward (as Edward VI), Mary (as Mary I), and Elizabeth (as Elizabeth I) would all eventually become sovereign (in that order).

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Her only sibling was her younger sister Margaret, who died in 2002.

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