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People act and dress as him, but he doesn't exist.

He was just a character from a comic before it was turned into Cartoons and movies. All of the effects in the movies were done in a studio on a computer.

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Q: Does Superman exist
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Does Superman exist in this world?

Yes he does I am superman

How many people did Superman save in the 1900s?

Superman didn't exist in the 1900s

Can Superman be resurrected?

No, because he is a fictional character who doesn't exist.

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no he does not, only in your mind.

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Superman is a fictional character created by DC Comics. While there have been various portrayals of Superman in movies, TV shows, and other media, he does not exist in reality.

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"Superman would win based on the facts that he has the strength to move planet earth from its obit and durability that allows him to survive exploding planets." That would be post crisis, pre reboot superman. Many other versions of superman exist and who wins depends on which version you are talking about. Post-reboot superman got pwned by a bullet train, while silver age superman pulls galaxys around, for example.

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Just like Santa and Superman, It doesnt exist.

All versions of Superman?

utimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime superboy prime sowrd of superman cosmic armor superman all star superman sun dipped superman aplopit cyborg superman evil cyborg superman cyborg superman steel superman modern age blue superman eradicator superman red/blue ultraman bizzoro ad superman ga superman sa superman green latern superman pre crisis superman (weakest)

Order of Superman based on how powerfull they are?

ultimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime super man with sowrd of superman tough robot superman all star superman cosmic super man silver superman pre crisis superman normal superman (weakest)

What movie titles include the word Superman?

Superman Superman Returns Superman II Superman III Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Waiting for Superman Superman/Doomsday The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest Superman/Batman: Public Enemies Superman/Batman: Apocalypse All-Star Superman Leaving Metropolis (which was called 'Poor Superman' in Canada)

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