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One of the consequences of high HCG production in pregnant women was long ago observed to be higher levels of free cholesterol in circulation.

Even the miniscule doses of HCG that are administered for weight loss have the effect of increasing the proportion of free cholesterol. This just means that trapped cholesterol has a tendency to be loosened and reintroduced into circulation.

On the HCG diet The first thing that happens is that blood cholesterol levels shoot up. Depending on how much plaque has accumulated, this number can seem to be frighteningly high.

Blood cholesterol spikes are highest in those who already have high levels of cholesterol or who have already been diagnosed with arterial hardening and blockage.

The effect over time of releasing trapped cholesterol into free form is a decrease in arterial blockages and a consequently freer circulation. The clinical indicator of this effect is lower blood pressure.

Even though that spike in cholesterol levels seem scary at first, the net result a few months after the HCG diet is a normalization of cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

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Q: Does coffee make your cholesterol levels go up when you do bloodwork?
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How does coffee give you high cholesterol?

Since coffee comes from a plant there is no cholesterol in it at all. However if you prefer to drink your coffee with animal products added (e.g. cream, ghee) then the beverage will have the cholesterol from those additions.

How do you lower Cholesterol levels?

Lifestyle modifications make sense for anyone with elevated cholesterol. But if your cardiovascular risk is high, you may also need to take a cholesterol-lowering drug.

Which statement is not true?

The body does not make enough cholesterol.

What will happen if the prescription for cholesterol-reducing drugs is stopped?

Cholesterol levels may increase when the medicine is stopped, and the physician may prescribe a special diet to make this less likely.

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The best food to avoid to lower your cholesterol is "fast food". Things that have been deep fried are sure to make you cholesterol higher. Try eating home cooked meals more often.

What are the properties of green coffee beans?

Unroasted green coffee beans containing the compound chlorogenic acid are said to have weight loss properties such as limiting glucose intake and bad cholesterol. Green coffee is said to not make the drinker jittery and contains anti-oxidant agents.

Family, Food, and Pastime Preferences Can Contribute to High Cholesterol ?

Family, diet and lifestyle choices all can contribute to high cholesterol levels. While you have no control over your genetic background, you can control what you eat and what activities you participate in. A healthy diet and staying active instead of choosing fast food and television for fun can make a difference in your cholesterol levels, as well as in your overall health.

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can high cholesterol make you dizzy

Would eating before a cholesterol blood test make the levels higher then they really are?

Yes. You shouldn't eat for 12 hours before a lipid profile.

Understanding and Managing Cholesterol ?

A diagnosis of high cholesterol spells confusion for many patients. With confusing information and numerous products designed to lower cholesterol, consumers benefit from an understanding of what cholesterol is and how our body processes it. Cholesterol forms an essential component of cell membranes and assists in tissue repair. Additionally, it helps to manufacture bile acid, vitamin D and steroid hormones such as cortisol, estrogen and testosterone. The liver produces the majority of the body's cholesterol, while the rest comes from diet. Humans consume cholesterol in animal-based foods such as meat, cheese and eggs. Other sources include saturated and trans fat from baked, fried, snack and fast foods. After a meal, dietary cholesterol is absorbed from the intestine and stored in the liver for release as needed by the body. Because the body naturally produces cholesterol, diets rich in cholesterol-laden fatty foods overload the body. Two different types of cholesterol exist. High Density Lipoprotein, or HDL, is called good cholesterol because it removes cholesterol from artery walls and deposits it in the liver for processing. Low Density Lipoprotein, or LDL, earns the designation of bad cholesterol because it attaches to artery walls and slows blood flow. Stroke and heart attack could be caused by high LDL cholesterol levels. Genetically, lower LDL receptors increase the risk of atherosclerosis or clogged arteries. Patients strive for low levels of LDL cholesterol and high levels of HDL cholesterol for optimal health. Physicians recommend blood tests every five years to screen cholesterol levels. Optimum cholesterol levels remain under 200. High levels of over 240 require treatment. For effective treatment, combine drugs with a diet rich in relatively cholesterol-free plant-based foods. Foods labeled with phytosterols may reduce the absorption of cholesterol and increase levels of good cholesterol. Reduce the amount of fat consumed, particularly animal proteins that raise blood cholesterol faster than other foods. Add aerobic exercise to the current exercise regimen to promote heart health. Available drugs prevent the liver from producing and absorbing cholesterol or raise HDL while lowering LDL. While high cholesterol levels remain a plague for patients of all ages, anyone can seek a healthier lifestyle. Make healthy dietary changes, exercise, and discuss the use of medications with a primary care physician. All attempts to lower cholesterol levels aid in overall health and can lead to a longer, healthier life.

Taking Control of Your HDL Cholesterol Levels?

HDL cholesterol levels are important for your overall health. For many people, they do not realize that this is actually the good cholesterol in your body. It looks for any excess amounts of LDL cholesterol and transports them into your liver for proper disposal. If you have high levels of HDL cholesterol, you will not have to worry about excessive amounts of clotting and inflammation in your heart and surrounding blood vessels. As your HDL cholesterol levels rise, your body is essentially becoming healthier. For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, their HDL levels will decrease. You need to partake in any type of exercise that gets your heart rate pumping. From swimming to running and aerobics, you will increase your HDL cholesterol levels and lead to a healthier lifestyle. Avoid eating foods that have high levels of saturated and trans fats because they work to decrease your current level of HDL cholesterol. Margarine and other commercially baked products have an excessive amount of trans fats. Avoiding foods such as olive, peanut and canola oils will help to keep your HDL levels in tact and promote the anti-inflammatory properties therein. Gaining weight works to lower your HDL cholesterol levels. Do whatever you can to ensure your body is as close to its ideal weight as possible. The last thing you want is to allow your HDL cholesterol levels to decline because of weight gain. Your body will not be able to fight off all of the factors that work against your system if your levels are not where they should be in your body. Smokers will have a lower HDL cholesterol level than their counterparts will. If you want to increase your likelihood of getting blood clots, this is definitely one way to do it. When you cease smoking, it will help to raise your HDL cholesterol levels by 10 percent, which is going to make a huge difference in the way you feel on a regular basis. For those who are smokers, it works to create a chemical change in your lipoproteins. Essentially, you are working against your body's own mechanisms to help fight off inflammation and clotting.

What are some foods that help keep cholesterol levels low for people newly diagnosed with high cholesterol?

I know that Honey Nut Cheerios advertise to lower cholesterol. Make sure to eat healthy and exercise 3-5 times per week to reduce your cholesterol or go to your doctor and see if they can prescribe anything for you to take that will help to lower your cholesterol such as Lipitor.