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although Zuko broke up with her when joining the avatar, in the Finale (spoiler), they get back yes.

They end up Getting Married in the Promise comic book Series.

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Q: Does mai love zuko
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Does katara love zuko?

Only as a friend, the thing that Zuko and Katara are in love is total fanfiction, Zuko loves Mai and Katara loves Aang.

Who would be a better avatar couple mai and zuko or Katara and zuko?

Mai and zuko because katara is already taken by sang

Will Zuko marry someone?

Mai is a definite candidate for marriage with zuko.

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That Katara should have gone out with Zuko?

No, it's against the law for a Waterbender to love a Firebender, and besides, Zuko and Mai are perfect for each other and so are Aang and Katara!

Why dont zuko and Katara go out in Avatar the Last Air Bender?

I've asked myself the same question, but I think it's because Katara doesn't fully trust Zuko and Zuko is in love with Mai.

Is Zuko in love with Mai?

Of course!!! Zuko is in love with Mai and Mai was in love with him too. Duh!! If you don't believe me well watch Avatar the Last airbender.Book 3: FireThe Awakening Episode 1The headband Episode 2The Beach Episode 5Nightmares and Daydreams Episode 9Day of the Black Sun: The Invasion Episode 10The Boiling rock 2 Episode 15Sozin's Comet: Avatar Aang Episode 21Yes

What was sokka's girlfriend's name in the avatar?

Zuko's wife is Mae.Remember in the last episode of The Last Airbender Zuko married Mae.So those of you who think Toph married Zuko or Katara married Zuko are wrong, just not thinking, or are KRAZY

Does Mai like Zuko?

They are boyfriend and girlfriend.

How old is Mai?

i think Mai is about 15 or 16 years old ,knowing that Zuko is 16.

When does Zuko rush in to save Mai?

Zuko rushes in to save Mai quite a few times in the last few episodes. Yes, also she does save him a couple of times too.