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Henry VIII often had tumultuous relationships with his friends and advisers, much like his wives. Some of his closest companions were Thomas Wolsey, Thomas More, Thomas Cromwell, Richard Rich, and Thomas Cranmer, and Charles Brandon.

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Q: Henry the eighths friends and advisors?
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Who helped Henry break with rome?

Henry was helped by thomas cranmer and thomas cromwell, his two protestant advisors.

Cardinal the what was one of Henry's advisors?

Cardinal Thomas Wolsey was one of Henry VIII's key advisors. He served as Lord Chancellor of England and was responsible for handling many of Henry's affairs, including numerous diplomatic negotiations and managing the affairs of the English church. Ultimately, Wolsey fell out of favor with Henry and was removed from power.

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His name is Henry Tudor He was named after his dad, The first Tudor king He was the second Tudor king his father was Henry VII so he was Henry VIII

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