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buy pokeballs!

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Q: How can you catch Reshiram on Pokemon black if you don't have any pokeballs or an action replay?
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How do you get Reshiram on action replay for Pokemon platinum?

It has not came out yet.

What is the action replay code to get Reshiram in Pokemon platinum?

you can not get reshiram in that game because it dose not exist in that game.

Where can you find a Reshiram in Pokemon lake?

you can't find reshiram in a lake unless you cheat using action replay.

Where do you catch Reshiram?

In Pokemon Black version, at the end of the first story. In White: Action Replay or trade.

How do get 245masterballs on Pokemon SoulSilver?

If you have Action Replay DS or Action Replay DSi,you'll get 999 pokeballs of everykind.Actually,If you hold L+R you'll refill the ones you wasted.

How do you get rid of the All Pokeballs cheat in Pokemon Fire Red?

get a gamboy action replay and find the cheat on the computer

Are there cheats for Pokemon white?

yea on the action replay at least 7.0 or the one w/ zekrom and reshiram om the box

How do you obtain a wild Reshiram in Pokemon white?

You can't. It is only in Pokemon Black. You'll need the Action Replay or wait for another event containing it.

What is the Action Replay code for getting Luxury Balls on Pokemon Emerald?

Have All Pokeballs 085938bb 99ff313d 2dafd739 5d796510

Does the action replay members card only work for events?

No. It can be used to obtain pokeballs, pokemon, or walk through walls.

What is the code for all pokeballs?

you need a action replay

Where can you catch Reshiram in White?

Reshiram is exclusive to Pokemon Black, you'll have to trade for it. you could hack the game with Action replay for DSi (works for all DS consoles BTW) and get a shiny reshiram, but if not it is impossible to catch Reshiram in white. only zekrom