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Harry Potter does not die throughout the whole series. In the last book, The Deathly Hallows, he does get hit by the Avada Kadavra curse and but is resurrected When Harry first got attacked by Lord Voldemort (age 1), Voldemort leaves apart of his soul in Harry without knowing (the seventh Horcrux Voldemort did not intend to make). Therefore when Voldemort does use the killing curse on Harry in the last book Voldemort simply kills the Horcrux inside Harry. Harry then goes to ... an ''alternative heaven'' and talks to Dumbledore who explains all of this. Dumbledore then tells Harry that he can go back to the real world and defeat Voldemort. This means that the Horcrux in Harry is destroyed but he is still alive. Since Voldemort did not think he could come back to defeat him, he had less protection for his last Horcrux, Nagini. Once Neville killed Nagini and all the Horcruxes were destroyed, Harry was able to defeat Voldemort because they were both equal.

It was also explained that because Voldemort used Harry's blood to resurrect himself into human form, the protection that lay in Harry from his mother's sacrifice also lay in Voldemort. That's another reason Harry didn't die when Voldemort attacked him. Later, Neville killed the snake, Nagini, and that was officially the last Horcrux that was destroyed, making Voldemort mortal.

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9y ago

Harry did not die as he was a horcrux and Voldemort's curse killed his own soul instead of Harry.

When Harry Potter met Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, he had all of the Deathly Hallows. He got the invisibility cloak in his first year, and he had the resurrection stone and dropped it on the ground, and he was the true master of the Elder wand because just before Dumbledore died, Malfoy disarmed him and it was said that whoever is the first to win in a duel with the master of the Elder Wand is the new master, and Draco won the duel by disarming Dumbledore, so Snape wasn't the master. That's why Dumbledore sent Snape to kill him instead of Draco, and since Harry disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor, Harry Potter was the master of the elder wand.

Since he had all of the Deathly Hallows, he was the master of Death, so he could chose to live or die when Voldemort tried to kill him in the forest. That's why Dumbledore gave him a choice to live or die.

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9y ago

It is unknown how Harry Potter died as the series doesn't cover that far into the future.

Although he was hit by the killing curse, Harry Potter didn't die in any of the books. A part of Lord Voldemot's soul was attatched to Harry's body, when he was hit by the curse that died.

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12y ago

Because Malfoy disarmed Dumbledore before Snape killed him, and since Dumbledore was the owner of the Elder wand, this meant that Malfoy had become the owner of it. Then when Harry physically took Malfoy's wand when trying to escape from the Malfoy Manor, he became the owner of the Elder wand. That meant that even Voldemort had the Elder wand, he couldn't kill Harry because the wand wouldn't kill it's own master. So when Voldemort sent the killing curse at Harry, the spell rebounded and killed Voldemort instead.

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10y ago

James Potter fought against Lord Voldemort and didn't believe in what he was attempting to do. After a prophecy stated that the child who would destroy Voldemort would be born at the end of July, James and his pregnant wife Lily were forced into hiding. Unfortunately, they put their trust into the wrong man and Lord Voldemort was able to enter so he could kill their son Harry. James' death was just an added bonus. Voldemort did intend on sparing Lily because his loyal death eater Severus Snape had asked him to, but when Lily refused to stop protecting her son Voldemort killed her as well.

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13y ago

He didn't die. He was hit by the killing curse which killed the part of Voldemort's soul inside him but he was given the choice to die or go back and he choice to go back

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13y ago

Harry potter is a fictional character, the was never alive and theretofore can not have died. Finally in the book, the fictional character Harry Potter, does not die.

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13y ago

Harry Potter didn't die.

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13y ago

because he was one of the hocraxes

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