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Q: How did Tyson help Percy along with Annabeth win the camp chariot race?
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Why arent Percy and annabeth supposed to get along?

man i wish i knew. its for my homework :(

Describe the scene where annabeth and Percy enounter the sirens?

Percy and Annabeth are sailing by. Annabeth says that whoever survives hearing the sirens will supposedly grow wiser. She therefore instructs Percy to tie her to the mast tightly and for him to put wax in his ears so that he cannot hear the sirens' call and to ignore Annabeth's pleas to be released. Unfortunately, Percy forgot to disarm Annabeth, and she jumps off the boat, swimming towards her doom. Percy follows her and is barely able to save them both. Annabeth is later horrified at this and apologizes to Percy. However, Percy saw what Annabeth saw that was so appealing: Her parents along with Luke having a picnic together and beckoning her. Annabeth then realizes what her weakness is: Hubris, or the believe that one could do something better than the person who actually does it. In this case, believing she could get her parents back together and redeem Luke. Percy and Annabeth then ponder on what Percy's weakness is.

Will Percy Jackson be in the next Great Prophecy?

For what has been released, maybe. Names of 3 have been released: Jason (son of Zues), Piper (daughter of Aphrodite), and Leo (son of Hephaestus).4 names are still missing. It was said in the book, The Lost Hero, the other 4 will not get along... Will it be Thalia, Annabeth, Percy, and another? Thalia is Jason's brother.My guess four the other 4 are Percy, Nico, Annabeth, and Thalia.*For one Percy belong's in the book.*Annabeth is his girlfriend.*Thalia sould be in it because of her brother, and she Annabeth, and Percy half of the time don't get along. Just like you say.*Nico because of his feeling about the other's.

Nico made Percy promise to use annabeth invisibility cap to?

Come back and take nico along

What are Percy Jackson's motivations?

His motivation in the first book it's to get his mother back.

Related questions

Does Annabeth get along with Percy?

Percy and Annabeth do fight sometimes (rarely), and usually, their fights are about something small, for example, they have fought about Rachel before (4 Percy Jackson book). Annabeth and Percy do fight though rarely, most times they are okay with what each other thinks.

Why arent Percy and annabeth supposed to get along?

man i wish i knew. its for my homework :(

Do the gods win in the the Last Olympian?

Yes they do. And Percy helped along with Annabeth and Grover.

Who was Percy Jackson in the story Sea of Monsters?

I mean I'm assuming you've never read the books, but the series is called Percy Jackson and the Olympians soo. Basically Percy Jackson is the main protagonist who leads a quest into the Sea of Monsters along with Annabeth Chase, and his half-brother Tyson the Cyclopes to rescue Grover Underwood, a satyr in a heap of trouble.

What is the first thing Percy kills?

When Percy is attacked by Laistrygonian Giants at school, Annabeth rescues him along with Tyson one of Percy's friends at his new school who was at the school for a project. He was actually a Cyclopes which explained why he was extremely big. On the way to camp, in the Gray Sisters' Taxi, which is a taxi business run by the Fates, Percy learns some coordinates (the coordinates on where to find the Golden Fleece) that lead to som

Describe the scene where annabeth and Percy enounter the sirens?

Percy and Annabeth are sailing by. Annabeth says that whoever survives hearing the sirens will supposedly grow wiser. She therefore instructs Percy to tie her to the mast tightly and for him to put wax in his ears so that he cannot hear the sirens' call and to ignore Annabeth's pleas to be released. Unfortunately, Percy forgot to disarm Annabeth, and she jumps off the boat, swimming towards her doom. Percy follows her and is barely able to save them both. Annabeth is later horrified at this and apologizes to Percy. However, Percy saw what Annabeth saw that was so appealing: Her parents along with Luke having a picnic together and beckoning her. Annabeth then realizes what her weakness is: Hubris, or the believe that one could do something better than the person who actually does it. In this case, believing she could get her parents back together and redeem Luke. Percy and Annabeth then ponder on what Percy's weakness is.

Who is going to narrate mark of Athena?

I don't know who will narrate the Mark of Athena except for Annabeth, but I'm hoping that Percy, Jason, and Piper also narrate along with Annabeth.

Will Percy Jackson be in the next Great Prophecy?

For what has been released, maybe. Names of 3 have been released: Jason (son of Zues), Piper (daughter of Aphrodite), and Leo (son of Hephaestus).4 names are still missing. It was said in the book, The Lost Hero, the other 4 will not get along... Will it be Thalia, Annabeth, Percy, and another? Thalia is Jason's brother.My guess four the other 4 are Percy, Nico, Annabeth, and Thalia.*For one Percy belong's in the book.*Annabeth is his girlfriend.*Thalia sould be in it because of her brother, and she Annabeth, and Percy half of the time don't get along. Just like you say.*Nico because of his feeling about the other's.

Nico made Percy promise to use annabeth invisibility cap to?

Come back and take nico along

What was the resolution of the last Olympain?

grover Percy anabeth fight kronos, then luke turns from kronos to luke again and asks Percy to give him annabeths knife so he can kill himself with his Achilles spot. luke asks annabeth if she loves him she says she thought she Didi but she doesnt love him and then he dies along with kronos who is spread to the winds. meanwhile the gods send typhon back to tarterous thanks to posieden and then they go back to Olympus to find grover annabeth and Percy around lukes dead body the fates come to take lukes body and Hermes regrets the times he couldn't help him. the gods reward annabeth by making her the architecht of Olympus, and grover becomes the lord of the wild and the leader of the nature spirits. Tyson becomes a cyclopes general and finnaly the gods ask Percy if he will become a god. Percy declines but asks if they could make sure that all minor gods and demigods could be properly recongizedhave cabins at camp and all children of the gods be claimed ad sent to camp by age 13 they agree and the deal is made. when they get back to camp annabeth and Percy talk and finally kiss and a group of the surviving campers throw them in the canoe. Rachel becomes the oracle and the new prophacy isSeven half-bloods will answer the call.To storm or fire, the world must fall.An oath to keep with a final breath,And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.the end of the book has Percy and annabeth racing down half-blood hill and for once Percy does not look back.

What are Percy Jackson's motivations?

His motivation in the first book it's to get his mother back.

In The Lightning Thief what are the key events?

Key events in "The Lightning Thief" include Percy Jackson discovering he is a demigod, embarking on a quest to retrieve Zeus' stolen lightning bolt, encountering various monsters and challenges along the way, and ultimately preventing a war among the Olympian gods.