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Q: How did augusto odone develop a treatment for ald?
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Why did the support group resist the Odone's treatment ideas?

They didn't want to get the other parents hopes up that Lorenzo's oil would save their children. In the time since the movie, it has been found that the oil works best for people who have the genetic marker for Adrenoleucodystrophy (ALD), but who have not yet developed the symptoms.

What was the purpose of the ALD symposiums?

The symposiums are held to make people aware of ALD or Adrenoleukodystrophy. It also provided a platform to have scientists collaborate to find a treatment.

How did the treatment for ALD really happen by accident?

bc they tried using just olive oil and it didnt work so they researched other types of oils and mixed them together and it help treat lorenzo's ALD...i think

Why did the medical community resist the odones' treatment?

the parents did not want to question the doctors. They believed that the doctors were correct on their theories of ALD

What medical test were done to assess lorenzo condition in the movie lorenzo oil?

Lorenzo's Oil is based on the true story of Lorenzo Odone. He was diagnosed with ALD, Adrenoleukodystrophy when he was 7. Genetic testing was done. The miraculous oil does not work on patients who are already ill.

Why did the medical community resist the Odones treatment ideas?

the parents did not want to question the doctors. They believed that the doctors were correct on their theories of ALD

Is lorenzo Michael Murphy odone still alive of lorenzo's oil?

Hi the real Lorenzo died 30th may 2008 one day after his 30th birthday. =================== I am pretty sure Lorenzo s illness is ALD. adrenoleukodystrophy. Has it been renamed? Pardon my typing please, my apostrphe key is not working.

Why is a disease like ALD much more common in boys than in girls?

The most common type of ALD (adrenoleukodystrophy) is X-linked ALD. Than means that the gene for ALD is on the X chromosome. Because boys have only one X chromosome, if it has the ALD gene on it they will have the disease. Girls have two X chromosomes, so, in order to get ALD both of their X chromosomes would have to have an ALD gene. That would mean that both her father and her mother would have to have an ALD gene. Because males with ALD die before they can have children this would not happen. So girls don't get this type of ALD. There are other, more rare types of ALD that affect both boys and girls. So, all in all, fewer girls have ALD

What was the purpose of the ald symposium in lorenzo's oil?

To have scientists collaborate to help find a therapy for ALD

What does ALD do to a person?

You are requested to write the long form of the 'ALD' and write back the question.

What does ALD stand for?

ALD can be the abbreviation for aldosterone or assistive living

What is the phone number of the Ald-Bookmobile in Centennial?

The phone number of the Ald-Bookmobile is: 303-542-7279.