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about 2/3 of the popluation died, and it devastated the towns and cities. It inspired them to clean up the streets so the rodents would not have anywhere to live. The rodents are what caused the black death

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Q: How did the black pleague affect the towns?
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What is Pokemon chaos black version?

Pokemon chaos black is a hacked game of Pokemon fire red it has many fake Pokemon (there very cool though) Plus most towns and routes are redone and towns too you can either download it or buy it off eBay its a great game though!

Where do you get waterfall on Pokemon Black and White?

HM Waterfall can be found at the very end of route 17, the route west of Nuvema and Accumula Towns.

What did they call the abandoned towns in the west?

They were called ghost towns.

Does Johnny Depp ever go to small towns?

Everybody goes to small towns eventually. If he has business in a small town such as filming a movie, then yes, he goes to small towns.

Why did Megan Fox abort her black baby is she rasist or something?

She didn't want the baby to affect her movie career. It was unplanned.

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In 1930 they didn’t affect the society. Jim Crow laws were in full affect and it will be another 39 years before they are given the right to vote. There really wasn’t a “black” middle class. Colleges weren’t open to them, segregated schools and towns kept racial discrimination in full affect.

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"Pleague" does not appear to be a recognized English word. It may be a misspelling or typographical error. If you meant "plague," it refers to a widespread contagious disease that causes high mortality, or it can be used more broadly to describe any widespread affliction, calamity, or nuisance.

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bank,to open the new branches rise of affect life in towns and cities public to give the lot of opportunity and offers.......

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Yes, many were.

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it made the towns grow

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How did the Plague affect the growth of towns?

The Black Death hit the culture of towns and cities disproportionately hard, although rural areas (where most of the population lived at the time) were also significantly affected. ... Cities were also striking filthy, infested with lice, fleas, and rats, and subject to diseases caused my malnutrition and poor hygiene.

What was Eatonville Florida famous for?

One of the first all black US towns.

What towns did the black Saturday fires hit?

The Black Saturday bushfires in 2009 impacted several towns in Victoria, Australia, including Marysville, Kinglake, Kinglake West, and Strathewen, causing significant destruction and loss of life.

What is the affect of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan?

Many towns were destroyed. Many people have died and are unaccounted for.