Risorine kit contains the standard formulation of anti tubercular drugs with the difference that the dose of rifampicin is reduced from 450 mg to 200 mg,a decrease of about 60 %.Since rifampicin is put in a lesser dose,therefore the side effects are also correspondingly much less.However since the rifampicin is boosted,the dose of 200 mg boosted rifampicin works better than that when given in 450 mg.
kit kat
A kit fox is an omnivore, meaning they eat both meat and plants. They will sometimes eat grass to settle their stomachs like dogs do - and while they eat meat when it's available they will also eat fruits and berries when it's not.
A kit eats it's mother's milk. Did you know that even the strongest kit ever could not survive without it's mother feeding it?
A personal survival kit is for your personal needs. Any thing that you need to use or take or eat everyday. Just have your kit in a easy to get to location.
Rodents and other small animals
'Have a break... have a Kit Kat' is the slogan for the chocolate product, Kit Kat. The slogan is referring to the idea that whenever you have a time to put your feet up, or generally rest, you have time to eat a Kit Kat.
· Kit Kat candy
Well, I believe that first you put salt.
Coyotes, cougars, bobcats, and larger eagles will take a kit box if the opportunity presents itself.
they eat everything a normal fox does like berries,nuts and rabbits
Once or twice a day