In order to open the door in Mossdeep City in Pokemon Emerald you must scan the e-battle card into an e-reader that is linked to the game. You will need a GBA, e-reader accessory, GBA link cable and e-battle and e-reader cards.
you need to catch the event that gives you the membership card,go to the locked house in canalave city and talk to the man and catch darkrai!
In Canalave City, the first house, south of the Pokemon center.Its south westThere isn't a move deleter in Pokemon diamond or Pearl
he is in the house closest to the bridge in canalave city
In Canalave City, the house above the Poké Mart.
I believe his house is somewhere in Canalave.
in locked house in canalave city
The house that is downward of the Pokemon center in Canalave city
Get the azure flute from the locked house in canalave city. only on diamond or pearl though.
you need to catch the event that gives you the membership card,go to the locked house in canalave city and talk to the man and catch darkrai!
In Canalave City, the first house, south of the Pokemon center.Its south westThere isn't a move deleter in Pokemon diamond or Pearl
go to the guy in Canalave City the house by the pokemart (diamond and pearl)
the sick boy in Pokemon diamond is in canalave city in the house on the very bottom left corner .x
he is in the house closest to the bridge in canalave city
In Canalave City, the house above the Poké Mart.
go to canalave city the house south of the Pokemon center
The move deleter can be found in the house just south of the Canalave City Pokemon Center.
i have no ideal