you cant get kyurem in any game exept Pokemon black and Pokemon white. To get it in black/white, go to route 13 and go into the giant chasm. Have surf. When you get to the right spot, the area freezes. Then search around for steps at the bottom of the screen. You should find a cavern. go inside and use surf to get to the island. Kyuremm will be waiting. Have many ultra balls ready. P.S. This can only be done after beating Ghestis. GOOD LUCK!
Assuming you are playing Pearl, Diamond, Platinum, HearGold or SoulSilver, 6630 steps. If you want it to hatch quicker I suggest getting a Pokemon with the Magma Armour ability, like Slugma, Magcargo or Camerupt in your party with the egg, and it will then hatch in half the steps (3315)
There are some pretty cool ways of gaining steps on your Pokewalker. 1. Attach it to your dogs collar. Have you dog run around. 2. Shake it in a steady rhythm while watching TV. 3. If your driving in a car, attach it to you seat belt. The movement of the car will shake the Pokewalker. (I have tried all of these and they do work!!)
2,805 steps.
1500 steps
You need to find a ssmall, water filled crater in that glade area. Once you get close to it, the area will suddenly be frozen over, letting you get to those steps, and Kyurem inside.
Giant Steps - book - was created in 1983.
It is sort of hidden. Starting from the north end of Route13, make your way south. Once you reach the part where you go down the steps into the really tall grass (the one where you can have double battles). Make your way right until you reach water. There should be a man standing there. Then you need to surf out around the rocks there and travel north along the coast.. Then you are there. This is where you can catch the legendary Pokemon, which is in the inner cave. I do not know haw to get to the inner cave though. ****You have to have the National pokedex to have access to the giant chasm.
you may find it in the giant chasm when you go into the cave take these steps: 1. go inside the cave in the Giant Chasm 2. Once inside go immediately left 3. Go around the cave (counterclockwise to the third item container (the others are star pieces) 4. Move the bolder into the whole and press A to get the item 5. when you have it you may sell it to an old man in Icirrus city for 60000 money or hold onto it for collecting sake
It is sort of hidden. Starting from the north end of Route13, make your way south. Once you reach the part where you go down the steps into the really tall grass (the one where you can have double battles). Make your way right until you reach water. There should be a man standing there. Then you need to surf out around the rocks there and travel north along the coast.. Then you are there. This is where you can catch the legendary Pokemon, which is in the inner cave. I do not know haw to get to the inner cave though. ****You have to have the National pokedex to have access to the giant chasm.
Giant Steps - The Boo Radleys album - was created on 1993-08-31.
This metaphor suggests that the giant's steps were powerful, loud, and imposing like the sound of thunder. It emphasizes the enormity and forcefulness of the giant's movement.
Giant Step was created in 1990.
John Coletrain
Angelina Ballerina The Next Steps - 2009 Angelina and the Giant was released on: USA: 18 September 2009
The Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp - 2007 Giant Steps was released on: USA: 30 July 2009
Silk Stalkings - 1991 Giant Steps 2-20 was released on: USA: 4 March 1993