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No such thing. All Pokegod rumors are fake.

EDIT: Also, you can get some, but it requires Game shark and it could possible cause your game to be inoperable. NOT RECOMMENDED.

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Q: How do you get the Beepin PokeGod in Pokemon Yellow with out gameshark or any cheat device?
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How do you get the Beepin PokeGod in Pokemon Yellow?

same as red and blue ------- There's no such thing as Beepin.

How do you get the Beepin in Pokemon Yellow with a gameshark?

you should go to they have alot of stuff there

How do you get celaby in Pokemon Yellow?

You can't get it without a gameshark.

Can you trade Pokemon from Pokemon Yellow and leafgreen?

No but u can get the Pokemon in leaf green in yellow version or u can use gameshark codes like i do with my visual GB search Pokemon leaf green gameshark codes in Google for the codes :P hope i helped No but u can get the Pokemon in leaf green in yellow version or u can use gameshark codes like i do with my visual GB search Pokemon leaf green gameshark codes in Google for the codes :P hope i helped

Mew on Pokemon Yellow?

You'll need the GameShark now, but there was an past event for Mew being in Pokemon Yellow. It was the Nintendo Rep.

Is there a code for steal trainer's Pokemon in Pokemon Yellow?

Yes. This code is for the Gameboy (Color) GameShark: 010156D0 After putting in this code for Pokemon Yellow, you can catch trainer's Pokemon.

What are some cheats for Pokemon Yellow?

You can find Gameshark codes at

Cheat codes for Pokemon yellow?

You can find gameshark codes at

How do you get cheats for Pokemon Yellow?

You need to buy a gameshark desinged for the type of game so with yellow you would need to go with a gamboy color gameshark. NEW USER: unon1100 go to

How do you get 99 rare candies in Pokemon Yellow?

Gameshark check here

How do you Articuno in Pokemon crystal without the gameshark?

The only way to get an Articuno without GS is to trade one from Pokemon Red, Blue, or Yellow.

What is the walk through walls code for Pokemon Yellow?

The Walk through walls code for Gameshark is "010138CD". If you don't have a Gameshark but still wants to walk through walls, check the related link.