you go to sunshore city when you got your 7th gym bage trust me i bat the game and got legonddey Pokemon and i have the nachanal pokedex
ok your spelling is s***, you goto sunshore city and do the puzzle to hard to explain how to get through it but he is a strong trainer i had under leveled Pokemon and took me 3-4 times. his team is luxray, electivire, raichu and joteon i belive, i got a graveler with explosion to take out electivire, my empoleon took out jolteon my rapidash got raichu and blissy and rapidash had to use for luxray
The Gym Leader of the Snowpoint Gym.
battle gym leaders that's what there there for
you catch ponyta after the second gym. the grass-type gym.
You try and beat the 4 th gym
The eighth gym leader in Pokemon platinum is the one in sunny shore city.
You go on to defeat the eight gym leader.
you must beat the eighth gym leader and he will give you the badge.
The fourth gym in platinum is the veilstone gym
It really depends on the type of game that you have. If you have Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, You must get the Eight Gym Badges of Hoenn. If you have Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, you will receive the Eight Gym Badges of Sinnoh. If you want HeartGold/SoulSilver/Gold/Silver/Crystal, you will get the Eight Gym Badges of Johto AND Kanto. If you have FireRed/LeafGreen/Red/Blue/Green (Japan Only)/Yellow (Pikachu Version), you will ONLY receive the Eight Gym Badges of KANTO.
The Steel-type Gym in Platinum is in Canalave City.
The Gym Leader of the Snowpoint Gym.
You have to get all eight gym badges and go through the Victory Road. For more information contact me at
at the gym???? in veilstone the gym is normal???
The fifth gym leader in Pokemon platinum is crasher wake but you get the fourth badge.
You can use the GTS in Pokemon Platinum after you get the first gym badge from the Oreburgh City gym.
where can i find the second gym in Pokemon platinum