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== == you just get the gba action replay that connects to a computer, and backup your file to a computer and overwrite it on the gba. when you want the other save back, backup the one you have, and transfer the old one. just make sure you backup it every time you transfer

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15y ago

when you turn the game on, it will ask if you want to continue or create a new game. choose "New Game", and if you save in the new file, the old file is lost.

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13y ago

You can not, i repeat CAN NOT make two files on ANY of the Pokemon games thus far.

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There is not way to make a second save file.

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Q: How do you save a second file in Pokemon white 2?
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How two have two saved games on Pokemon white?

You can only have one save file at a time on any Pokemon game.

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Transferring a pokemon to another save file is easy but will require another 3ds running the same game. you must transfer the pokemon to the other game, then switch save file then transfer the pokemon back.

How do you save a file in Pokemon if you haven't eraced the old one?

you save and overwrite the file

How do you delete a Pokemon profile on Pokemon black and white?

just click new game and if u dont want ur old file save ur new file and it will over write ur old file

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Definitely Thundurus. You can get 2 Master Balls in Black and White. You should save the second one for shinies or event pokemon.

How do you up-select-B on Pokemon White?

Press those buttons on the title screen. It will permanently delete your save file.

How do you save your file in Pokemon Black and White?

Once you started your adventure, press Start and you should see the "Save" option. So press A on it and it'll ask you to save and select "Yes".

How does Pokemon Stadium 2 save?

Save the file into My Documents...and that's all.

In Pokemon platinum can pokesav crash your save file?


Does anyone know how to save Pokemon chaos black on vba ROM?

Click on File, then Save, and make a file for your save. Every time you turn on the ROM, you'll click on File, then Load, and open your save file.

How do you erase a saved file on Pokemon Platinum?

If you want to erase a save file on Pokemon Platinum, while in your game, try to save on the game that you are playing. If you already have a save file, it will tell you how to erase your save file. Keep checking back, and I can figure out a better way.Thanks, and enjoy!-PocketFroggys (with help of TurtwigPrinplups)

How can you erase a file in Pokemon plantinum version on ds?

put new file but you have to save the new file