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Q: How long to fry a chicken cutlet in a fry pan?
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Can you fry chicken in aluminum foil disposable containers?

Absolutely, it is perfectly safe to cook and eat chicken fried in disposable aluminum containers. However these containers will not stand up to stovetop cooking, so you will not be able to pan fry the chicken, you will have to oven fry the chicken.

Do chicken nuggets make you gain weight?

Yes. Often chicken nuggets are fried or deep fried. When you fry chicken, you have to add oil or lard to the mixture over the chicken to make it actually fry in the pan and not burn. It is this oil or fat that is in the covering on the meat that will make a person gain weight.

Can you marinade squid?

When you cook a squid you get out a pan put the squid in and fry in up in chicken noodle soup and butter. Then you eat it!

Can you boil eggs in an electric fry pan?

You can't boil eggs in an electric fry pan. An electric fry pan needs to be plugged in and shouldn't be near water.

Can you pan fry dumplings?

It's not advisable to try and pan fry dumplings, dumplings need long slow cooking such and baking, boiling, stewing or steaming to ensure they get thoroughly cooked, pan frying is too quick, the outside of the dumplings would be cooked long before the inside.

How long should you fry mutton in an open pan with oil for it to be well cooked?

5 mins

How does the bottom of the fry pan get greasy?

If we used a quantity of oil more than required, then the bottom of the fry pan get greasy

How long do you pan fry boneless pork chops?

1 minute per side

Can chicken be stored in the same pan as it was cooked in?

Yes, as long as the chicken was cooked to the safe temperature of 180F, the pan will be sterile. Don't allow it to set out before refrigerating.

How many serving in a 2' hotel pan?

There are many variables that you did not supply, like what you are serving. Being that different food items have different density you would get more portions of let's say jello in a 2" hotel pan as compared to chicken cutlet. I can tell you that for a 2 "pan you need to portion by weight into each pan to accurately estimate portions. Portions are always calculated by weight not volume.

Which is the pan we can't fry?