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only 1, the one where the game takes place. the only games that have multiple regions are HG SS, which take you to Kanto, Johto, and Sinjoh, a pass in between Sinnoh and Johto, where you get Dialga, PAlkia, or Giratina.

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Um...kinda stupid question,but just 1.Unova.

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Q: How many regions are in soul silver?
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How many regions are there in soul silver?

2 Jhoto and Kanto

What Pokemon games have two regions?

The pokemon game that has two regions is gold silver and crystal and the remakes of gold and silver heart gold, soul silver although many of the games have areas you have to take a boat to which is close to two regions but not officially a region

What regions can explore in heart gold and soul silver?

Kanto and Johto.

Is there two worlds on Pokemon diamond?

If you mean Pokemon Regions then the answer is no! There are only 4 games with 2 regions and that's Pokemon: Gold, Silver, Heart Gold and Soul Silver!

Where to go to veilstone city in Pokemon soul silver?

get kyogre and then he can go to all regions so he transports you there

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The Soul of the Silver Dog by Lynn Hall has 132 pages.

How can you go to different regions in platinum?

You can't go to different regions in platinum. The only game that lets you do that is Heart gold/Soul Silver... PS For heart gold and soul silver, the regions in it are johto and kanto even though Hoenn region champion Steven is in it. Hope this helped :D You can't in Black/White either =/

How many dittos can you have in soul silver?

as many as you can catch.

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How many Snorlaxs are in soul silver?

there are 2 of them

Can you enter all Pokemon regions in heart gold and soul silver?

no only johto and kanto but you can get the 3 hoenn starters

Can you go to other regions in pearl?

No you cannot go to other regions in Pokemon Pearl or Diamond version but in Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver you can go to the Jotoh region.