Paul Jones is 67 he was born in 1942
Only one title should be used. Correct - Mr Paul Jones or Dr Paul Jones. Wrong - Dr Mr Paul Jones or Mr Dr Paul Jones
John Paul Jones II is 6' 4".
Paul 'Wine' Jones was born on 1946-07-01.
Paul Jones - mixed martial artist - was born on 1963-02-10.
Paul Jones is 67 he was born in 1942
John Paul Jones (John Baldwin) is 71 years old (birthdate: January 3, 1946).
He was 45 years old when he died.
april 28,1967
It was John Paul, then he added Jones when he was older.
if you count early command, he was 29 years old
As of July 6th, he would be 262 years old.
Paul Jones was born on February 24, 1942.
john paul Jones was qpproximetly 5'7"
Paul Jones was born on February 24, 1942.
Paul 'Wine' Jones died in 2005.
Paul C. Jones died in 1981.