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Q: How was Neel Arm Strong so speical?
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Which muscles do you use for breaststroke?

well I'm not sure what the muscles are called but i can describe them. so your legs need to be strong that's what pushes you through the water the most so you need a very very strong calve muscle and i think the underneath part of your thy is called the hamstring that needs to be as strong if not more strong than your calve muscle. and your arms are a big help also you pretty much need your whole arm but the upper half of your arm above your elbow needs to be strongest of your whole arm. and you need some back muscles to help get you out of the water to breath. ...i don't know if i helped but i tried.

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20 July, 1969. The Apollo 11 Mission. He and Edwin Eugene "Buzz" Aldrin where the first to do so.

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What is so special about the truth about diets is that most do not work. They restrict calories and fats to an unhealthy and often extreme levels, causing most people to fail them.