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Which Queen Isabella?

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Q: How was queen Isabella related to Queen Elizabeth?
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Were Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Isabella related?

no they weren't

When was Queen Elizabeth queen of Spain?

That was Isabella (Spanish for Elzabeth) who sponsored Columbus.

Queen Isabella and Queen Elizabeth I had what in common?

They were both queens who supported exploration.

Are Queen Isabella and King Ferinand related in any way?

They are, King Ferdinand And Queen Isabella are related they are cousins!

How is the queen mum related to Queen Elizabeth?

The Queen Mother was Queen Elizabeth II's mother.

Who was the queen that helped Columbus get the 3 ships?

Christopher Columbus asked Queen Elizabeth for ships to fight the spanish.

Who was a devoted Catholic who ruled Spain as a queen?

That depends on who you are talking about. The answer could be either Queen Isabella I or Queen Elizabeth.

How is the queen related to queen mother?

H.M Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, (Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon) was the mother of H.M Queen Elizabeth II.

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Did Queen Isabella I die a virgin?

No, she had several children. Juana ( the mad) was one. in fact she died giving birth (l504) to Prince Miguel- or Michael. A queen, yes, but not a Virgin Queen like Elizabeth I. it is true Isabella and Elizabeth are the same name!

Who was Catherin of aragons mother?

No. Anne Boleyn was the mother of Elizabeth, later Queen Elizabeth I of England. Catherine has a daughter Mary, later Mary 1 of England.

When did Queen Isabella become Queen?

Queen Isabella became queen in the year of 1474