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you have to complete every quest including the one's having to sacrifce your regis. you have to talk to ollie's mom she'll ask you to find a celebi so ollie can wish vien forest back to normal. you have to catch it on a doduo try to get in front of it on doduo while it's flying. once you capture it there will be another Pokemon waiting for you

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13y ago
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16y ago

first you go to the ranger union the you grab a floatzel and go on the water then you go to the right (your right) then celebi will appear

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15y ago

You must finish all the quests then go to ollie in the forest near vientown

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13y ago

by comepleteing the quest 52 wish for vien forest

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Q: In which part of vien forest AFTER the quest in Pokemon ranger shadows of almia is Celebi located?
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It's a Celebi, and you get find it on the quest: wish for the vien forest.

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03jnb says: for celebi mission in vein forest after celebi mission at ranger base

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It's Celebi. You can only find it in vien forest after you beat every quest.

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The legendary forest Pokemon would most likely be Celebi. As well as being the time-travelling Pokemon, Celebi is also a protector of the forest - most notably Ilex Forest (in Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal). No other legendary Pokemon is linked to any forest in such a way, so Celebi would have to be it.

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Celebi is the protector of the Ilex Forest.

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this is CELEBI

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One final Quest is when Ollie's mother saids a thing about Ollie running away. Ollie is found in the firey part of the forest. he talks about the Pokemon Celebi, the Pokemon that has the ability to turn back time and restore nature. Celebi is i the waterfall part of the big forest. In order to get this quest, you need to get all quests done

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Celebi is the guardian of the forest

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You can only find celebi through an event in the ilex forest.