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The worst dictator in Africa is meles zenawi. He kicks lots of journolrists out of the country. to my opinion he a mean ,bad, and not honest man.

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Q: Is Africa's worst dictator Meles Zenawi?
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Is Mugabe the worst president in the world?

He is terrible and bad but it is debateble as to whether he is the worlds worst leader, his policies have no real world wide impact and are restricted to Zimbabwe itself (Not counting refugees) But some people think he is the worst dictator. See the worlds worst dictator. Regardless of the impact of Mugabe's policies on the outside world he is still one of the worst (If not worst) leaders presently in power as bad as he ishe was not the worst president, the worst one was Barock Obama.

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I would say either Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, or Castro.

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The worst dictators were Adolf Hitler of Germany, Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union and Mao Zedong of China.

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Definitely, imprisoning, torturing and killing people because they disagree with his ideas. Also, dictators do not allow freedom of speech.

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He was dictator of the whole USSR from 1929 until his death in 1953 He named a city Stalingrad (now called Volgagrad) after himself. This city became the focus of the struggle between the two worst dictators of the 20th century Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin during WWII.

What is the meaning behind Every Dictator's Nightmare?

"Every Dictator's Nightmare" is a phrase that highlights the fear dictators have of an informed and empowered citizenry. It signifies the power of knowledge, unity, and resistance against authoritarian regimes. It implies that educated and empowered individuals can challenge and potentially overthrow dictators, making it their worst nightmare.

Is Adolf Hitler the biggest dictator ever?

Mao Tse Tung probably killed 30 million Chinese people in the 1950's, so he was probably worst than Hitler or Stalin, but, not by much.

Who is the worst dictator that ever lived?

Mao Zedong (Chairman Mao) the leader of China 1949 - 1976, killing between 50 and 70 million more people. More than the amount killed by Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin put together. definitely Mao