She is not pregnant by Justin Bieber
1. Because they were never going out 2. If she was pregnant you would see her stomach was big and fat on the new episodes on I Carly.
There you have the answers she not pregnant by J.B (Justin Bieber)
No, they aren't. Justin Bieber is dating Selena Gomez. You must have mistaken Miranda Cosgrove for Selena Gomez.
Yes Miranda Cosgrove does know how to swim
Questions about personal relationships of certain people, cannot be answered properly by volunteers, unless the question has been asked during an interview and this was published, either as a video or as an article. This is not the case for this question, and therefore, it cannot be answered.
Miranda Cosgrove, Jennete Mc Curdy, The Jonas brothers,Selena Gomez,Nathan Kress,Demi Lovato , and mabye Justin bieber!! (Ew no offense to justn beiber fans!)
twilightmonekey jump monkey singlets killshe has been dating Justin bieber since December 11 TELL EVERYONE THIS
Because He loved her and she did too.
Well i think he should date... Miranda Cosgrove... because it seems as if they are perfect for each other... and their the same size... So if Justin is reading this date Miranda... Miranda Cosgrove!
Selena Gomez and him did
Yes by a year. Miranda's turning 18 Justin Bieber just turned 17.
Vanessa marcil. Justin bieber. Miranda cosgrove. Jim carrey.
They're friends, but I don't think she 'like-likes' him.
I'm not sure,I don't think so,but it might be true.
I doubt it. Also, it's iCarly, and her real name Miranda Cosgrove.
Justin bieber
Justin Bieber, Michael Buble and Miranda Cosgrove
I think they would be a great match, they look perfect for each other!