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No. Patricia is Lola's mother.

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Q: Is Patricia Bunny actually Space Jam's Lola Bunny and Lola is just her nickname?
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What does sound do in space?

Easter bunny

Who is Bugs Bunny's real girlfriend?

that would be lola bunny first introduced in space jam made in 1996

How do you stop DrHare in 24 carrot island?

go to his lab and launch bunny space ship . crash it in to space rocks the password is fuzzy bunny

What are the release dates for Bugs Bunny in Space - 1977 TV?

Bugs Bunny in Space - 1977 TV was released on: USA: 6 September 1977

What are some of the cartoon characters who are girl bunnies?

Lola bunny from Space Jam. Bugs Bunny's girlfriend.

Who wrote Seeing Earth from Space?

Patricia Lauber.

What are the release dates for 30-Second Bunny Theatre - 2004 Office Space?

30-Second Bunny Theatre - 2004 Office Space was released on: USA: 2004

What year is Lola Bunny first introduced?

Lola Bunny whose first appearance , as Bugs Bunny's girlfriend , was in the 1996 film "Space Jam" which debuted November 15, 1996 .

Is bugges bunny and lola bunny died?

no thay are still alive in loony tunes show and space jam

What do you do while controlling the robot bunny is in space?

you have to make the robot bunny get hit with rocks until it gets destroyed.

Was Dabs one of Bugs Bunny's girlfriend?

Honey Bunny was Bugs Bunny's Girlfriend in comic-books and Lola Bunny was introduced in the 1996 film Space Jam . I don't think there was ever a 'Dabs' .

Who is the orange dude in Space Jam with Bugs Bunny?

Gossamer .