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it's just bella who is dyslexic

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Q: Is it just Bella Thorne who's dyslexic or was someone in her family dyslexic before she found out she had dyslexia?
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No she wasn't If u don't believe me go to bella Thorne online on the home page

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Well, dreams are difficult. You could have thought about her and maybe before you went to bed that same day, someone tickled you.

Does phonics helps dyslexia?

Phonics alone does not help dyslexia. Dyslexic readers have difficulty changed the written word into spoken word because they struggle with basic auditory processing skills. Before you learn phonics you need to master these basic skills like phonemic awareness and fluency. Phonics builds on top of these skills and you can not understand phonics or learn to read well without them. There are a lot of programs that teach phonemic awareness and fluency before phonics. My favorite is Sound Reading Solutions which teaches these foundational building blocks and then moves on to cover more advanced skills like comprehension and phonics.

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she kissed when she was 11 with johny elmanie

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He was on good luck Charlie

Who was zendayas friend before she was famous?

she has alot of best friends but the one she is closet would have to be Bella Thorneshe admitted it when she had an interview with disney

Is Courtney thorne smith in an aamco commercial?

Yes it is her. She did this comercial before she went on 2 1/2 men.

Are Bella Thorne and zendaya best friends in real life?

Well first off her name is Bella Thorne not thorn. And yes before the show they new each other and were friends. They also are still best friends.

Has Bella Thorne been spanked?

No what kind of creeper question is that! She is pretty funny skinny she has everything!

Is Bella Thorne coming to grand rapids Michigan?

no but she travels a lot so it probably wont be long before she comes to Michigan .

Your daughter is 7 year old she has nf1 she has neurofiborma on one of the eye nerve and spinal she also has dyslexia is nf1 and dyslexia related?

I amd 29 and I have NF1, I have read before that dyslexia is more common in nf1 patents, I was never officialy diagnosec. But I do have many of the signs of it. My mother does as well(she carried the NF1 Gene) If you would like to contact me about any other experences email me at and put NF1 in hte subject line.