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No it is not. However, it is limited to 1, meaning that you can only use 1 copy of it in your deck.

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Q: Is solemn judgment banned
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Do your monsters get effected by the Yugioh card Solemn judgment?

You can use Solemn Judgment on the summon of one of your own monsters, if you wish.

Can Stardust Dragon negate Solemn judgment?

No, Stardust Dragon's negation effect is a spell speed 2 quick effect, which cannot be chained to a spell speed 3 card such as Solemn Judgment.

Can Solemn Judgment stop the summon of White Knight Dragon?

Yes, it can. White Night Dragon can only negate Spells or Traps that target it. For one, Solemn Judgment does not 'target' anything, and for two, WND's negation effect is only active while it is face-up on the field after being successfully summoned. Solemn Judgment is preventing its summon.

Can Solemn Judgment stop Obelisk the effect version?

No, it can't.His normal summon can't be negated, so Solemn Judgment can't be used there. Also, note Solemn cannot be used against monster effects, so it cannot be used against his activated effects either.

How much does the card solemn judgment cost?

a good price for it is 15-20

In Yu-Gi-Oh Does solemn jugement stop battle fader?

No, you cannot use Solemn Judgment to chain on Special Summons that are from activated effects (Mother Grizzly, Battle Fader, etc.). You can chain Solemn Judgment to cards that are Special Summoned through its own effect, while it does not have to be activated to do so (Cyber Dragon, Dark Armed Dragon, etc.).

How can Solemn Judgment negate Gorz the Emissary of Darkness but not Chaos Sorcerer in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Solemn Judgment can negate summons that don't use the chain, by waiting until the monster is placed on the field, then negating the summon before it counts as being successful. When a summon occurs on the resolution of an activated effect, the summon is automatically successful when the effect resolves - but Solemn Judgment can chain to that activation and prevent the summon by stopping the effect resolution. So, if you Normal Summon, Synchro Summon, or perform a special summon that does not use the chain, such as Chaos Sorcerer, you can negate the summon as per the first bit above. If you special summon on resolution of an activated effect, such as Monster Reborn or Call of the Haunted, Solemn Judgment can chain to these activations and negate them. No resolution means no summon. But, note that Solemn Judgment can only chain to the activation of Spell or Trap cards. If the special summon occurs on the resolution of an activated monster effect, Solemn Judgment can't stop it. It can't chain to it, and as above, the summon is successful when the effect resolves. So that is why Solemn Judgment can't do anything against the triggered effect of Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, but is able to stop special summons that aren't by resolution, such as Chaos Sorcerer.

Can you negate a monster set with solemn judgment?

No, a Set is not a summon, summon negation cards cannot be used against it.

Can Counter Counter counter Solemn Judgment?

Any Counter Trap card, such as Counter Counter or Seven Tools of the Bandit, can chain to/ counter another Counter Trap card; including Solemn Judgment.Some people might be confused due to Counter Counter being printed without the "Counter" symbol in some countries. This error was fixed and printed correctly in other countries and in later versions.

Can negate the summon of Shooting Star Dragon with Solemn judgment?

Yes. Because you are negating its summon, you are doing it at a time when it is unable to use its own negation effect, and moreover, it cannot chain its Quick Effect to a Counter Trap anyway, so is unable to stop Solemn Judgment being used against other cards.

What is solemn referendum?

what is solemn? a solemn is a serious

Is there a card that prevents Synchro Monsters from being sent back to the Extra Deck?

no, not that I'm aware of, but you can use cards that negate effects like solemn judgment or dark bribe.