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It depends on the use. This question and this answer will need to use the word Disney multiple times, but nothing in this question or answer is infringing. If you took a picture of yourself posing with a costumed character in front of the teacup ride and posted it on Facebook, that would not be infringing either.

There are even instances where using Disney's various trademarked logos, names, characters, and other images would be considered fair as well. Most of them are for education or critique, but still.

Infringing acts generally involve using Disney trademarks to defraud consumers in any way; or reproducing Disney images (including screen shots of Disney movies and television shows) or sound (including as cover versions) without an exemption in the law.

Disney may be relatively litigious and (rightfully) protective of its intellectual property, but I can talk about Mickey Mouse without them jumping on me. I'm doing it right now!

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Q: Is the use of the Disney name and pictures of Disney animated characters and use of pictures of Disney theme park structures on social networking sites a violation of copyright laws?
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It's a civil violation of federal law.

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