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I highly doubt it. If there is it has not been announced yet.

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Q: Is there going to be a new star wars movie with starkiller?
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In Star Wars the force unleashed what is the name of Darth Vaders secret apperentice?


Is the original Starkiller still alive?

No, Star Killer died in Star Wars the Force Unleashed. In Star Wars the Force Unleashed ll, you play the clone of Star Killer

Is the Star Wars game the force unleashed going to be released as a movie?

No, Geoge Lucas decided not to make anymore star wars movies.

Which Star Wars movie was Sith in?

There is a sith in all of the star wars movies.

Why is the movie Star Wars, called Star Wars?

because it is a galactic war

Related questions

When was starkiller born?

Starkiller was born 19 BBY (He died 2 BBY) in star wars.

Who is the star from Star Wars force unlished?

Darth Vader apprentice (Known as Starkiller)

What is the real name of starkiller in star wars the force unleashed?

Galen Marek

What is the name of the apprentice in star wars the force unleashed?

Galen Marek or Starkiller.

Can starkiller force choke in star wars the force unleashed 2?


How did the guy from star wars TFU 2 come back to life?

Starkiller? He was actually a clone of the original Starkiller, who is really Galen Marek.

Is starkiller a clone in star wars the force unleashed 2?

yes starkiller is a can read the full details on the wookieepedia; Dark Apprentice(clone)

In Star Wars the force unleashed what is the name of Darth Vaders secret apperentice?


Is the original Starkiller still alive?

No, Star Killer died in Star Wars the Force Unleashed. In Star Wars the Force Unleashed ll, you play the clone of Star Killer

Can starkiller in star wars choke people?

If you meant to ask if Starkiller Force-chokes in The Force Unleashed, yes, but only in the first one; not in the second game

Can the new Star Wars movie come in theaters before the year 2021?

There isn't going to be a new Star Wars movie.

How can they make a Star Wars force unleashed 2 starkiller died?

In the official website of The Force Unleashed II it says he was cloned, but nobody knows by who. Darth Vader was the one to clone Starkiller and another 50,000 Starkiller's