Feralgiatr is better than Thyplosion. That's because Feraligatr is a water type and Thyplosion is a fire type. Fire beats water, like always!
I like Meganium the best. But it depends who you like the most and think is the best.
Feraligatr is a great physical attacker and physical defender with a good physical movepool. Poliwrath is average all around, but it is bulkier than Feraligatr. I say Feraligatr is better, but Poliwrath does have a lot more moves available to it, and it's Water/Fighting.
both because they r both water.
High level typhlosion because it gains stronger stats. It learns moves at a later level however.
Feraligatr is a Water type pokemon.
They are pretty much all equal. Typhlosion has good attacking and bad defense. Meganium has good defense and bad attacking. Feraligatr is pretty balanced out.
I used Typhlosion Meganium Feraligatr Venusaur Sceptile and Snorlax
I like Meganium the best. But it depends who you like the most and think is the best.
Of course, Typhlosion`s a fire type and Meganium is a grass type, plus Typhlosion can learn Shodow claw how I know? My Typhlosion, Blaze knows it.
Totodile, chikorita, and cyndaquil the evolutions are croconaw , bayleef, quilava, Feraligatr , meganium, and typhlosion. I have typhlosion lv 100 moves are strength, blast burn, lava plume , and eruption.
without legends um id say tyranitar,infernape,salamence,noctowl,typhlosion,and feraligatr
For me best pokemons are: arceus charizard darkrai garchomp feraligatr giratina lugia ho-oh mewtwo typhlosion
Feraligatr is a great physical attacker and physical defender with a good physical movepool. Poliwrath is average all around, but it is bulkier than Feraligatr. I say Feraligatr is better, but Poliwrath does have a lot more moves available to it, and it's Water/Fighting.
in a house in blackthorn city. he teaches meganium frenzy plant, typhlosion blast burn, and feraligatr hydro cannon.
cyndaquil, ---> quilava, ---> typhlosion. totodile, ---> croconaw, ---> feraligatr. chikorita, ---> bayleef, ---> meganium. I would rate Meganium the best, or Chikorita if you want its base evolution.
-Cyndaquil (evolves into Quilava evolves into Typhlosion) - Todadille (evolves into Crocnaw evolves into Feraligatr) - Chickorita(evolves into Bayleaf evolves into Meganium)