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yes it is real and it is very rare because they are not making it any more and every one that was out has already been found so try eBay

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Q: Pokemon card lugia ex
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What is the difference between a Lugia Ex Pokemon card and a Lugia ex world championship Pokemon card?

you are not allowed to use world champions in the card game

HOW CAN you build a strong Pokemon tcg deck?

You wold need alot of rare Pokemon card like legend or x (Pokemon card)for me a chardizard ex or lugia ex would do the work.

How much is a Pokemon lugia ex card worth?

it's worth about 10$. that's what i got mine for.

What is the best Pokemon card in stores?

There is a lot of debate on what constitutes the "best Pokemon card" in a player's hand. Some argue for their favorites, while some argue that the rarest of cards is the best--Lugia EX. Though opinions may differ, few can argue that Lugia EX is anything but awesome in the right player's hands. # # Lugia EX is a rare, legendary Pokemon from the Unseen Forces series. Numbered 105 out of 115 total new cards, Lugia EX is easily identified by its action pose on a black, swirly background. # Lugia EX is not considered an elemental to attack type simply because of its attack; Elemental Blast does 200 points of damage and it not subject to resistance since it uses three types of energy--fire, water and electric. Added to this is Lugia EX's Silver Sparkle ability which causes any Pokemon striking (or even knocking Lugia out) to lose one energy card which is placed back in the opponent's hand. # Lugia is vulnerable to Psychic attacks, however, and takes double damage from those kinds of attacks. This makes it possible for Pokemon like Alakazam to take Lugia EX out fairly quickly, if he can get a hit on him. Lugia is extremely resistant to Fighting type attacks, making him a perfect foil to the player who has a Machoke or Hitmonlee in his hands. # Even with its weakness, Lugia's 100 Hit Points (HP) make it one of the toughest Pokemon cards in the game. A player who wants to get the most out of this card, however, should be ready to back Lugia EX up with potions and other healing abilities. # Lugia EX is perhaps the best Pokemon card because it is one of the most sought after, and most likely the strongest Pokemon in the game. Currently, Lugia EX cards retail for about $80, but prices can easily reach $120 or more, depending upon the store or seller. As a part of the Unseen Forces deck, it is possible to find Lugia EX in either a starter deck or a booster pack, but it may take up to five booster packs to find one EX card, and there's no guarantee that it will be Lugia EX. Still, with the average retail price of a booster deck hovering between $4 and $5, literally scores of booster packs can be purchased for the price of a directly-bought Lugia EX card.

What is the best ex Pokemon card?

It is all based on opinion, but Wailord EX has 200 HP and has an attack that does 100 damage minus the number of damage counters on him. The strongest level X card would probably be Charizard lv. X, who is also 200 HP. 200 HP is the strongest a Pokemon card has so far. If you see a Shadow Lugia with 300 HP, it is a collector's item and is not allowed in game play. (It has an attack that does 1000 damage.) I hope I helped!

What is the strongest card and where to find it cheap?

I know that a lot of cards are good.oh, I don't want shadow lugia or lugia ex. please answer!

How much does Pokemon lugia ex tin cost?

$24.95 & free shipping on amazon from Pokémon

Can a Pokemon X card beat a Pokemon EX card?

Yes. Very Likely

Is there a Mewtwo non ex Pokemon card?

Yes. All Pokemon have Non-Ex forms.

What is the strongest Pokemon card?

the strongest Pokemon card is shadow lugia address to image: I think it also is charizard ex, He has 160hp and does 250 damage all together. He is worth more than 100.000 dollars and youd be lucky if you got one! There is a stronger card I have it is a prime version of leafeon it has 150 hp it has a poke power called the rising were it kill all the opponents bench Pokemon they may take only three plus an attack that does 120 damage

What are all the pokemon ex cards in plasma storm?

plasma gale. Deoxys, Lugia, Articuno, Victini

What is the rarest 2012 Pokemon ex card?

either kyurem ex or mewtwo ex