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Who is a antagonist in Amigo Brothers?

The fight. an antaganist is an obstacle that comes in the way of the protaganist in this case the protaganist would be Felix and Antonio.

How did boxing help Antonio and Felix growing up in amigo brothers?

They were more ruff and more better than there neighbor

What does Muhammad ali have in common with the amigo brothers antonio and Felix?

i think Muhammad ali is like the amigo brothers because they all worked hard and they all won a lot of medals because of the fights they had

What resolution do the boys find for their conflict of the story amigo brothers?

the resolution of the story is when felix and Antonio leave the fight and stay friends

Who is the antagonist in the story amigo brothers?


How tall is Felix from the story Amigo Brothers?


Who is the narrator of Amigo Brothers?

The narrator of "Amigo Brothers" is an unnamed third person. The story is told from an omniscient point of view that allows the reader to see the thoughts and feelings of the two main characters, Antonio and Felix.

What are traits Felix in the Amigo Brothers?

Felix is Loyal, True, and Faithful

Description of the characters in amigo brothers?

the characters in amigo brothers are felix vargas and antonio cruz. they are both seventeen and puerto-rican. they live in new york. Antonio is fair, lean ,and lanky. his lean form makes him the better boxer. Felix is dark, short, and husky. his short and muscular form makes him the better slugger. they are both very passionte, athletic, loyal, competitive, and determined.

Who is the Antagonist of amigo brothers?

In "Amigo Brothers" by Piri Thomas, the antagonist is not a specific character but rather the internal conflict faced by the two friends, Antonio and Felix. They come to a point where they must compete against each other in a boxing match, putting their friendship at risk.

What are some differences between Antonio and Felix in the short story Amigo Brothers?

Antonio is described as having a balletic style, while Felix is known for his powerhouse punches. Antonio relies on speed and agility, while Felix relies on strength and endurance. Their differing fighting styles add tension to their friendly rivalry in the story.

What time does amigo brothers take place?

"Amigo Brothers" by Piri Thomas takes place in the present time when it was written (1978) in New York City. The story follows the lives of two best friends, Antonio and Felix, as they prepare for a boxing match against each other.