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Q: WHO sAhabi did the halq of muhammadf pbuh?
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Which sahabi has title abu turab?

Ali (ra)

What city was muhammed born?

Muhammad PBUH was born in the city of Makka.

Who is Mohammad?

The prophet of the Muslim faith. (kind of like the Jesus of Muslims). ***************************************************************** To say that Muhammad (pbuh) is like the Jesus (pbuh) of Muslims is 100% false. In Christianity Jesus is worshiped as god's son, and in some instances he is considered god. However in Islam, Muhammad (pbuh) is simply a messenger and a mercy to mankind sent by God. We do not worship him in any way shape or form. Muhammad brought the same message as Noah, Abraham & Moses. The teaching of worship of ONE God who is not triune, and there is none co-equal or comparable in the sharing of His Majesty. ***************************************************************** According to Muslims Mohammad is the last prophet. According to Jews and Christians he is a False prophet who taught against the Holy Bible. His life style and teachings are a good example to this fact.

Why it is not allowed to ask a Muslim if he is a shia or sunni Muslim?

i don't find it offensive.if anyone asked me id answer its okay! nd btw,shia arenot Muslims cause they don't believe in Muhammad PBUH!

Is Jesus the most famous person throughout the world history?

No,The most famous person in throughout the world history was prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) according to the criteria set out by a Western Writer.Ustad Bediuzzaman says; "Virtue is what even his enemies confirm" Now, although that man is a non-Muslim, since he searched with fairness he saw the clear virtues of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and showed these facts in his book in a clear way that everybody can understand. Assigning the first place to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his book entitled "The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History" he has announced a very accurate and important truth to the world.Refer to link below

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What is mean of sahabi?

Sahabi literally means friends. We say the companions of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as Sahabi. The companions of Jesus are Hawari, the companions of Muhammad (pbuh) are Sahabi. Sahaaba (singular) is a person who has seen Muhammad (pbuh) and has accepted the message of Him.....

What is the name of sahabi who is same look of prohet Muhammad?

No, sahabis are not the same as Prophets. They are the people who saw the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and they followed the Prophet, companions of the Prophet.

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حلق halq

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Mehdi Sahabi was born in 1944.

When was Haleh Sahabi born?

Haleh Sahabi was born in 1957.

When did Haleh Sahabi die?

Haleh Sahabi died on 2011-06-01.

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Ezzatollah Sahabi died on 2011-05-31.

When was Ezzatollah Sahabi born?

Ezzatollah Sahabi was born on 1930-05-09.

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Mehdi Sahabi died on 2009-11-09.

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Yadollah Sahabi was born on 1905-02-25.

When did Yadollah Sahabi die?

Yadollah Sahabi died on 2002-04-12.

When was Sahabi Alhaji Yaú born?

Sahabi Alhaji Yaú was born on 1956-07-16.