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Leslie Nielsen

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Q: What actor scored huge sales with his Bad Golf Made Easy instructional video?
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What comic actor scored huge sales with his Bad Golf Made Easy instructional videos?

The Bad Golf Made Easier video series featured famous funny man Leslie Nielsen as the inept golf instructor. He is probably most notably known for being hilariously deadpan in Airplane and being outrageously comical in the Naked Gun series.

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The Cardio Bouncer does not come with an instructional video but several videos are available from 3rd party vendors.

Where can one find an instructional video about Windows 8?

One can find an instructional video for Windows 8 online at PC World. Also one can look on Microsoft's website as they have video tutorials on Windows 8 as well.

Where can one watch an instructional video on how to cut bangs at home?

An individual searching for a site to watch an instructional video on how to cut bangs at home could find such videos on YouTube and also Videojug. One can also find instructional videos on how to cut bangs on the How to Tube site as well. A person could also watch the instructional video on Popsugar's website as well eHow's site as well.

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There is an instructional video on it by a group called audio push

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One can watch instructional videos on installing siding from many different video uploading websites. Some examples of these websites include Youtube and TeachingChannel.

Do they have instructional videos for GameCube?

Instructional videos for GameCube can be found at, one of the ultimate sources of instructional videos, previews, cheats, walkthrough, and more for game systems and video games.

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One is able to watch an instructional video on 'how to build a rubber band car' via different video web browsers, for example: YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo and Google Videos.

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The most points scored in a NFL video game is 105 points.

Anyone know where you can get hold of Jean Claude Van Dammes Instructional Video?

I do.

What are the basic dance step in cariNosa?

Watch this instructional video: