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If you want to get to know her personality I suggest that you read the books she wrote: Klee Wick, The House Of All Sorts, The Book of Small, Growing Pains, etc. She drew so much from her experiences and used writing as a form of expressing herself (rather than trying to invent something new) that you would probably be able to isolate her voice (combination of word choice, and writing style unique to someones thought process) and extrapolate her personality. Also you could compare two biographies of her: rather then getting one person's perspective on her and her actions you would get a broader understanding of her. IE: In one source I read that she left off teaching at the Vancouver Ladies Art Club because her habits of smoking and cursing made her unpopular. Another said that she left because her students there were more interested in the "Social" aspect then the "art" segment of program; however after she left she was quite successful giving lessons to children (so much so that she was able to purchase 5 city blocks). Comparing the two accounts leads me to believe that she was down to earth (children liked her) intolerant of anything superficial and quite passionate about art. My favourite way of viewing an artist personality is to do a Google image search for their name and scroll through the thumbnails of their work. I find that I'm able to determine things like whether they were an introvert or an extrovert, a perfectionist, intuitive or even emotionally unstable. However, this doesn't work as well with Emily Carr, because she was an iconic west coast artist who had numerous institutions named after her that your results are peppered with building facades and work by other artist that have credentials from schools with her name sake.

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