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Horcruxes are items of value that contain a fragment of soul from the person who created the Horcruxe. In Harry Potter, there are seven Horcruxes. The Gaunt family ring, Helga Hufflepuff's cup, Salazar Slytherin's locket, Ravena Ravenclaws Diadem, Tom Riddle's Diary, Voldemort's snake Nagini, and Harry Potter himself. Horcruxes are created by the Horcrux creator killing someone in order to posses an item or person, such as when Voldemort murdered Lily and James Potter in which the nearest thing of value to Voldemort was Harry, thus making Harry a horcrux. This is how Harry came to posses skills such as Parselmouth.

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Yes; during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, both Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley help Harry to search for the remaining horcruxes. Ron leaves for a brief period of time, leaving only Hermione and Harry to search for the horcruxes, but comes back and joins them as Harry is trying to retrieve Godric Gryffindor's sword.

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The plot of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows is, Harry, Ron and Hermione leave their last year of Hogwarts to look for the Horcruxes that Dumbledore started before he died in order for Harry to defeat Lord Voldemort. I hope that helps, if it's not enough, i can go into more detail. I love Harry Potter =)

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The main conflict is Harry needs to find all the Horcruxes to be able to defeat Voldemort and he solves it by skipping school and going to look for them.

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Well, their are two reasons. 1 is that Harry, Hermione and Ron are searching for horcruxes and have to look in many areas that have been important to Voldemort. 2 they are on the run from Voldermort

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Not known.

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Hes not an idiot.. Listen to me just watch the movies , understand ,,then talk .. Harry potter for life ;)

What does a spell look like under water in Harry Potter?

a big bubble

Can you look at a Harry Potter diary entry?

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