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She has red hair and green eyes.

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Q: What does Harry Potter's mother Lily look like?
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Do Harry Potters parents come back in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Answer: Yes. Harry uses the Resurrection Stone to bring back James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus for a few minutes. Answer: Not really. It is more like Harry having contact with them in the spirit world (Harry is the only one that can see them).

Anyone know of a Harry Potter fanfiction where Harry has red hair like his mother?

One popular fanfiction that fits this description is "Not From Others" by Florahart. In this fic, Harry has red hair like his mother Lily, and it explores how this physical resemblance impacts his relationship with others and his own identity.

What was Harry Potters's childhood like?

Harry Potters childhood was not good. He was always pushed around by his cousin, and his aunt and uncle hated him. They made him spend 11 years living under a staircase.

How do you break a timeline?

put lightning bolt, like harry potters, between the break

What do all of their kids look like like hair color and eye color and such?

Harry and Ginny's children al look different than each other. Lily is the spittting image of Ginny with red hair and brown eyes. James looks very much like Harry but has Ginny's brown eyes. Albus is the only one of Harry's children to have Harry's (and his mother's, Lily's) bright green eyes.

How does Harry Potters scar look like?

a lightning bolt

Did Harry Potter like Hogwarts?

No. Harry Potter always hated Severus Snape but during the Battle of Hogwarts he witnesses Snape's memories and learns that he was in love with Harry's mother and because of that helped keep Harry alive and helped the Order. After this, Harry calls his son Albus Severus after the the two bravest men he ever knew proving he at least had some respect for him.

Does snape only like Harry because of Lily?

Yes, As much as Snape Loathed James Potter and how much Harry was like his father, he still could see Lily in Harry. He made a promise the night Lily died to look after Harry, as he was devastated she had been killed. This is when he joined Dumbledore as spy.

Is Petunia Dursley Lily Potter's sister in Harry Potter?

Harry Potter is an only child.

Why did Professor Snape tell Harry to look in his eyes before he died?

he looks into the pensieve (memories) snape gave him before he died. in this he saw dumbledore and snape talking about how harry was the last horcrux and how he should give himself up in order for voldemort to be destroyed. so harry gives himself up.

What does Harry Potters father look like?

A slightly older version of Harry with a different colour of eyes. Glasses, untidy black hair and skinny.