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Q: What are interesting facts about duchesses in medieval times?
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What happened in the Medieval Times that is interesting?

PLAGUE! Wooohooo! And knights.

What Six Facts Are Most Important About Medieval Times?

they were plagues

What are facts about sers in Medieval times?

kings,queens lived in the castle and there r more facts just go to google

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It is 7 times smaller than the USa.

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To be completely honest, there aren't many facts. The story came around in the medieval times and has been changed through the years.....

What are facts about longsword medieval times?

1 they were long 2 sharp 3 good 4 came in handy

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the U.S.A military buys enouph fuel to trael around the wourld 13000 times

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There were no dinosaurs in medieval times.

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in medieval times only the king could have swan anyone else caught eating or killing a swan would be charged and hung or beheaded

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I'm not quite sure what you mean... but the times are getting faster. As technology increases, skaters do to.

What id another term used to describe the middles ages?

Medieval PeriodDark Age?Medieval times or the medieval era.

Who were some Famous knights of Medieval Times?

A medieval knight in the middle ages or medieval times was William the conquerer