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Q: What biology teacher challenged the Butler Act?
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Who supported the butler act?

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Who was John Scopes and how did he break the law?

John Scopes was a high school teacher in Tennessee who was charged with violating the state's Butler Act, which made it illegal to teach evolution in public schools. Scopes intentionally taught evolution in his classroom to challenge the law and bring attention to the issue.

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What happened at the Scopes trial and what made people refuse to believe in evolution?

The Scopes trial was about a teacher seeking to bring issues surrounding the teaching of evolution to the attention of a wider audience. Although he succeeded in this, he lost the trial itself and was fined $100. The law challenged by Scopes was the Butler Act, explicitly prohibiting the teaching of science thought to conflict with scripture - ie. evolution. This law was instated by Tennessee governor Austin Peay, for the usual reasons. It wasn't until 1967 that this particular law was successfully challenged and subsequently repealed.

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Charles Sumner was fighting against the Kansas-Nebraska Act and Andrew Butler was one of the authors of this act.

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What does Scopes trial mean?

The Scopes trial refers to the "Scopes-Monkey" trial in which a high school Science teacher in Tennessee violated the Butler Act that made it unlawful to teach evolution in schools. He was found guilty.

How was the teaching of evolution banned in 1925?

the butler act in 1925

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General Benjamin Butler

Did Gerard butler act in movie inside man?

No he did not. The actor that played the part was Clive Owen, who looks like Gerard Butler.

What did the ACLU do to challenge the Butler Act?

They got John Scopes to break the Butler Law and be arrested so they could put him on trial.