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The Scopes trial was about a teacher seeking to bring issues surrounding the teaching of evolution to the attention of a wider audience. Although he succeeded in this, he lost the trial itself and was fined $100.

The law challenged by Scopes was the Butler Act, explicitly prohibiting the teaching of science thought to conflict with scripture - ie. evolution. This law was instated by Tennessee governor Austin Peay, for the usual reasons. It wasn't until 1967 that this particular law was successfully challenged and subsequently repealed.

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Q: What happened at the Scopes trial and what made people refuse to believe in evolution?
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What was the result of the scopes 'monkey trail'?

The law prohibiting the teaching of evolution was upheld

What is the impact of the Scopes Trial?

The Scopes trial, formally listed as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes, was a turning point for the teaching of evolution in schools. John Scopes purposefully incriminated himself to force an upturn on the Tennessee's Butler Act, which made it unlawful to teach human evolution in schools funded by the state.

Why do people who believe in Catholicism don't agree with evolution?

It is not forbidden by Catholicism to believe in evolution. The reason many people who believe in a god do not believe in evolution is that evolution's adversary, Intelligent Design, makes far more sense to one who believes in God that anyone who does not, although you can believe in intelligent design and not believe in God.

Did People believe in evolution around 1827?

yes they did believe in evolution because life begins million years ago

What resulted from Darwin's theory?

Darwin created a new branch of biology called evolutionary biology. His ideas angered those that believe in religion and not science. Some states in the United States banned the teaching of evolution. There was a famous Scopes Monkey Trial where John Scopes was accused of teaching evolution and he was defended by the famous William Jennings Byran.Some people took Darwin's ideas and used them to create social Darwinism. People, groups, and peoples were also subject to the "survival of the fittest." This concept has been rejected by most now.

Why do some people not accept evolution?

Some people believe that evolution goes against their religion and choose not to accept the scientific notion.

What was the result of the Scopes monkey trial?

Scopes was declared guilty, but people felt the law violated the Constitution. Scopes was fined and the law was upheld.

How would you use the word evolution in a sentence?

The present diversity of life on Earth came about by means of evolution.

What did the Scopes Trial represent?

It represented the high water mark for creationism. People forget that Scopes was convicted of breaking the Tennessee law against teaching evolutionary theory. For tears after that the texts kept evolution of of biology. Not until the 60's was evolution brought back into biology texts and in 1987 the Supreme Court struck down all such laws as Unconstitutional. The Scopes trial represented the length ideologues would go to to suppress the truth about the world.

Why do some people believe the human eye is an example of why evolution cant be true?

Mainly because they do not understand the process of evolution, or they refuse to believe it on fundamentalist grounds.

Why do so many people believe in theory of evolution?

Sir Arthur Keith who believes in evolution said, "Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it ONLY because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable."

How many people believe in evolution?

The average layman to believe in evolution averages on 60% (about 20% in America). For the expertsin the the field, all across the world, the average is 99.99%.