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Pokemon is made in Japan

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Q: What country is the game Poke'mon made?
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When was the game Pokemon colloseum made?

Pokemon Colosseum was made in 2004.

What is Pokemon crono?

Pokemon Crono is a fan-made version of the Pokemon game.

What was the first Pokemon game called and when was it made?

Pokemon trading card game for gameboy color (i think)

What is Pokemon naranga?

Pokemon naranga is a fake Pokemon game. It might have been made by hackers.

When is the game Pokemon frozen forest coming out?

Pokemon Frozen Forest is a Fan Game and is not made by Nintendo yet.

Related questions

When was the game Pokemon colloseum made?

Pokemon Colosseum was made in 2004.

What happenes if you connect a Pokemon game not made by Nintendo to a ds Pokemon game made by Nintendo?

completely nothing.

Is there a Pokemon game on PSP?

No, there isn't a Pokemon game available for the PSP. All Pokemon games are strictly made for Nintendo devices only. Since PSP is made by Sony, no Pokemon game will ever be on it.

What is the best Pokemon game made?

Pokemon snap or Pokemon emerald

Where can you get a Pokemon game for your DSi?

any ds Pokemon game will work on dsi as long as it was purchased in the same country

What is Pokemon crono?

Pokemon Crono is a fan-made version of the Pokemon game.

What Pokemon game was made in 1994?

no Pokemon game,because pokémon exists since 1995!

Is Pokemon AshGray a Game Boy game?

No. It is made for the computer.

In Pokemon Platinum legit Pokemon hacked?

It is an official Pokemon game made by Nintendo.

Who made Pokemon White?

game freak, Nintendo and the Pokemon company made Pokemon white and black. hope this helped

What is Pokemon Amethyst and Pokemon Opal?

a fan made game that is not real

What is the first Pokemon game?

The first Pokemon game ever made is Pokemon blue(very hard to get but can probally find most of the time at game stop).