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Gandalf travelled with the rest of the Fellowship. There was a pony they had bought in Bree, but it was uses as a pack animal, and they had to release it before entering the mines of Moria. A great Eagle carried him from the mountain peaks above Moria after he defeated the Balrog and went through some changes.

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Q: What creature took Gandalf to Moria?
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What creature does Gandalf in lord of the rings battle with in moria?

A Balrog

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It's called a "Balrog"

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About 2 days from entering the West Gate to Gandalf dueling Durin's Bane.

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To my knowledge there is not anyone who said those words, though Gandalf said "You shall not pass" in the first movie "The Fellowship of the Ring" while attempting to defeat the Balrog in Moria. The Black Knight in Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail uses that phrase.

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"...for I much desire to speak with him." -Celeborn, Lord of Lothlorien A balrog of Morgoth-Legolas. What did you say?? :D When this was asked, Gandalf was probably still fighting the Balrog of Moria far down a chasm under Moria.

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