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Q: What did Uncle Owen say that Luke's father did for a living before he died?
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What did Marco polo's father and uncle do for a living?

They were Venetian merchants

How do you address your father's uncle?

Your father's uncle is your great uncle.

What is your father's uncle to you?

Your uncle is your father's or mother's brother so your uncle's father is your grandfather.

Who was Murdered before play begins?

Hamlet's father is murdered by Claudius (Hamlet's uncle).

Uncle is to aunt as father is to?

Uncle is to aunt as father is to mother.

Who captured R2D2 in Star Wars episode 4?

The jawas captured him and sold him and C-3PO to Lukes uncle Owen

Why has Juli not visited her uncle David before in the novel Flipped?

Juli has never visited her uncle before because her father never actually talked about him. She never considered uncle David as family. He was just a name that was being mentioned by her father or mother. Normally her father would go and visit him alone.

What would you call your mother's father's uncle?

Your mother's father's uncle is your mother's great uncle and your great great uncle.

Who is my uncle on my fathers side?

Your uncle on your father's side is your father's brother.

Is your father's brother is your immediate family?

If you and your brothers are you uncle's only living relatives, then you are the most immediate family.

What relation is your aunt's father-in-law to you?

Your uncle's brother can be your father, your father's brother/your uncle, your mother's brother/your uncle, an uncle-in-law maybe if he's married to your aunt. Too many possibilities to be certain. Your uncle's brother can be your father, your father's brother/your uncle, your mother's brother/your uncle, an uncle-in-law maybe if he's married to your aunt. Too many possibilities to be certain. Your uncle's brother can be your father, your father's brother/your uncle, your mother's brother/your uncle, an uncle-in-law maybe if he's married to your aunt. Too many possibilities to be certain.

What relationship is your father brothers to you?

Your father's brother is your uncle. You are his niece (if you are female) or his nephew (if you are male).