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Just completely ignore them. Eventually they will give up and leave you alone.

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Q: What do you do if called a liar at work?
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What is a person who speaks lies called?

IAN DARRAH that is the name for a complusive lier

When liar call you liar?

That's called "PROJECTION"

What is a liar called that starts with letter m?

Synonyms for liar that begin with M:miscreantmisleader

How do you recover from being with a compulsive liar?

Recovering from a relationship with a compulsive liar can be challenging. It's important to prioritize your well-being by seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist. Setting boundaries and practicing self-care are crucial steps in moving forward and rebuilding trust in future relationships.

Person who lies convincingly and artistically is a liar?

A person who lies convincingly and artistically could be considered a skilled manipulator or a master of deception rather than just a liar. Their ability to deceive effectively does not necessarily make them a liar in the traditional sense, as they may use their talents for personal gain or to manipulate others for their own benefit.

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Con Artist?

A person who lies convincingly and artistically is a what liar?

A person who lies convincingly and artistically is called a pathological or compulsive liar.

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Why does caliban take up with stephano and trinculo?

Stephano thinks Trinculo has called him a liar. But it is actually Ariel who called him a liar, imitating Trinculo's voice. This in in Act III Scene 2.

What do you call someone who lies all the time?

a pathological can call them a:liarcheaterfroadfalsifierperjurerprevaricatorli⋅ar -nouna person who tells lies.a pathological liarThey also may be called Harrison, Hariytt or HarryTheToiletAlso mohammad safwan lol.