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Q: What does Ditto cry sound like?
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What does the cry of a rabbit sound like?

like a chirp chirp

What does a panda's cry sound like in words?

Panda's don't cry in words but rather in song. ;)

Does why have a long I sound?

Yes, the word "why" is pronounced with a long I sound as in "hi" or "cry."

Do moshlings cry on Moshi Monsters?

Each moshling makes a sound. Some moshlings may sound like they are crying.

Can a panda cry?

Feelings as in emotions? Not to the same extent we do. They are animals. Only humans have the capabilities necessary to feel the emotions that you and I feel. However, they are capable of some feelings.

What bird sounds like a lamb or goat?

an owl, id referring to a spoken sound. Owls don't make much, if any, sound in flight. If you heard a cry sounding like an owl cry, then it was an owl cry. :this guys a prick this has nothing to do with the bloody question p.s when the colon kicks in that's someone else ..... me being eliot... eliot bourner;and dan hope is BI

Is Ditto real?

Yes ditto is a real pokemon. In real life, ditto is like saying, "Me too!"

Do pelicans chirp?

sometimes when thay seee something messin in there torrie

How come on Pokémon games the Pokémons cry don't sound like them?

"Forget this screw!!!" They Put it like that because it sounds right! It would sound pretty strange and unpersuasive!

What disease causes an infant to sound like a cat when crying?

It is not a disease its a disorder called the cry of the cat thus the infant sound like a cat crying. It is caused by genetics

Can cats and kittens cry?

Parakeets do not have tear ducts like humans do, but do have eyelids that help to keep their eyes moist. Parakeets can, however, cry out using their whistles and caws, and have been known to mimic human voices. Thus it is possible that a parakeet could "learn" to make a crying sound. But this doesn't necessarily mean that they are displaying the emotions that a human would. They are simply mimicking the sound that they heard.

Does a tree scream?

Definition of Scream: n. A long, loud, piercing cry or sound. Since a tree is not capable in creating a sound like this, it can not scream.