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Well in route 119 there are 6 tiles in the whole river that you can catch feebas in and the dewfofd hip phrase changes which tiles they are

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Q: What does the trendy phrase in Dewford have to do with caching feebas?
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On Pokemon sapphire which tile of water is feebas on?

The six tiles change depending on the ''hip'' or "trendy" phrase in Dewford.

Where is Feebas found in Pokemon Sapphire?

Feebas is found on the patch of water in the route to the LEFT of Fortree, in 6 Random squares, which change when the Dewford trendy phrase is changed. You will need to fish for Feebas.

What is meant by the 'spots can be randomized by changing the trendy phrase' in Dewford in Pokemon?

People say the phrase changes the location of Pokemon in the wild, but it doesn't. It randomizes where feebas can appear because feebas only appears in 6 squares

What is the trendy phrase to find feebas and where?

you can any phrase you can any phrase

Where is feebas if you whav the trendy phrase as trendy Abra?

Feebas will be in six random squares along route 119. The squares are always random and changing the trendy phrase mixes them up.

Can you see a feebas on route 222?

no. feebas can only be found on route 119 in 6 random spaces based on the trendy saying in dewford town.

Where is the trendy phrase in Pokemon?

dewford town lol yeah

Feebas Pokemon Ruby?

You can only find him/her on ROUTE 119. There are only 6/about 400 tiles you can find it in.(Tiles are the peices of area your character stands on.) The 6 tiles are changed randomly depending on the "trendy saying" in Dewford town. When you find a tile that has FEEBAS in it, you can use your OLD ROD as many times as you want to get tons of FEEBAS until the Dewford Town "Trendy saying changes. So if you find the FEEBAS tile.... DON'T CHANGE THE "TRENDY SAYING"!!!!!!!!!!

Where do you find feebas in Pokemon Emerald?

Answer:Feebas is found only in 6 tiles in the river by fishing on Route 119. The fishing spots Feebas is found in are randomly generated. They randomly change whenever the trendy phrase in Dewford Town changes (which can change on its own!)

What are the 6 squares in Pokemon emerald I Know it is in route 119 but what is it?

its eterna forest... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are a dork Eterna forest is in the SINNOH region, not in the HOENN The six fishing tiles are the changing areas where Feebas is at. Its location changes every time when you change the Dewford Town "Trendy Phrase" by talking to the boy in front of the Dewford Hall and telling them that the phrase he is talking about isn't trendy, Sorry but i never caught a Feebas only in Pokemon Platinum, not even Pearl & Diamond... GOOD LUCK

Where are the freebas?

on emerald they are on route 119 there is an estimated 400 tiles but only 6 tiles is where feebas is he is very rare. and every time you change the dewford town "trendy phrase" it randomizes feebas tile location hope this helps you must fish with an old rod.

Why didn't the phrase secret money work for the trendy phrase in Dewford for me to catch feebas?

It did work you just have to keep fishing near the water (including above the waterfall) in the area around the Weather Institute. If it is taking too long for you, try a different phrase the tiles will randomize again for you. Hope this helps.