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Q: What episode did James Tiberius Kirk first get mentioned?
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George George NO, no, no! The first name of Captain Kirk's older brother was Samuel, or Sam as the Captain called him. Sam was later killed. His name was George Samuel Kirk. Since George was also their father's name he went by Samuel or Sam.

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this happened during an episode of the original Star Trek series, where William Shatner ( Captain James Tiberius Kirk ) kisses communications officer Uhura (portrayed by Nichelle Nichols )

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Richard has been on the show originally with Jeremy Clarkson. James, on the other hand first appears on the first episode of the second season.

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In the King James Version, the first time the word house is mentioned is in Genesis 7:1.

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Yes. He is mentioned in the second episode of the first season, but it is unknown who he is.

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James Maslow was in the second series of iCarly in the episode 'iSaw Him First' in 2008.

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the book is called bred in the bone and it first appeared in the pilot episode

Which episode do Jessie and James first meet?

Well first of all we don't actaully see the episode that they meet because they meet before the first episode. The story starts when ash was a kid. However, Jessie and James are adults. I could be wrong but I do believe they meet when join team rocket. You could Google the Pokemon episodes because I think the episode that has the exact time they join in the very first season. Hope I helped some.