Most of the people on the following list are speculated to have Asperger's Syndrome, rather than being confirmed cases of Asperger's Syndrome. Asperger's Syndrome was not included in the World Health Organization's diagnostic manual until 1991, and not in the American Psychiatric Association's manual until 1994. Also, for a number of the people on this list, there are other characteristics evidenced by the people listed that would suggest that they did not have Asperger's Syndrome.
Historical people from earlier periods (died before 1975)Amy Lee
Richard Pearse (First to fly a plane),
Dr Janet Frame (Famed Authoress),
Charles de Gaulle (Great French warzhyphenztime/peacezhyphenztime leader/President),
T E Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) (British leader of Arab Revolt against Turks),
Captain Matthew Webb (First to swim the English Channel),
Satoshi Tajiri (Pokemon Inventor - formal diagnosis),
Dan Aykroyd (Leading Musician/Comedian, Blues Bros - formal diagnosis?),
Alfred Hitchcock (Horror-movie Sub-genre Creator),
Bobby Fischer (Greatest Chess Player Ever),
Daniel Tammet (Smartest Man Alive Today - formal diagnosis),
Les Murray (Greatest Living English Writer/Poet Alive - self diagnosis),
Gary Numan (Greatest Industrial Synch-pop Musician Ever),
Craig Nicholls (Lead singer of top Australian group The Vines - formal diagnosis).
I do not believe that Les Murray has any formal diagnosis of Asperger syndrome. He does have a formal diagnosis of depression, and has self-identified as autistic, and does have a close relative with a formal diagnosis of autism. Can you back up the above claim with any published references?
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Sorry, quite correct...
Les Murray wrote an amazing poem AFTER his self discoveryre Aspergers...
"I very much wanted to ask him about his self-diagnosisof Asperger's Syndrome, but he hadn't publicly read the poem (which plays upon the phrase from the opening line of the old Latin Catholic Mass, Asperges me hyssopo, [Sprinkle me with a Hyssop branch], where Murray transmutes it to Aspergers me, and ends on such a wry note with "Hyssop is a bitter herb"), so it seemed too personal to ush the question succinctly." [Peter Craven, The Monthly]
Further Audio comment from a podcast (skip 1st 3 minutes) featuring Les talking about his 'mild' Autism and a case of Autism per se in his family is at:
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The best place that I know of to look for information about famous people and Asperger syndrome is the list maintained at the blog Incorrect Pleasures (Google it). It is a big and diverse list of famous people backed up with referencesto published or mass-media sources that are generally produced by professional journalists, authors, psychologists or psychiatrists, including book biographies, journalistic interviews, scholarly and medical journal papers, famous people's own blogs, and books specifically about famous people and Asperger syndrome. There's even a reference to a poem in which a famous poet identified himself with Asperger syndrome, and the details of a YouTube video of another famous person filmed rocking in a very autistic manner. Many of the journal papers and other resources linked to and listed at this list are freely available to read or view or listen to through the internet. The list at Incorrect Pleasures is based on references that meet a higher standard than the one set for the Wikipedia, which often accepts trashy, misspelt and anonymous bits of writing that can only be found on the internet, or dead links, as documentary evidence to back up claims made on the Wikipedia. Every effort has been made to avoid nationalistic and other types of bias in the compilation of this list. The list is not dominated by American names or consicuously geeky scientists and mathematicians.
One word of caution, though - only very few of the famous people in the list at Incorrect Pleasures have been given a formal diagnosis of autism or Asperger syndrome during their lifetime, as adults. Many famous people have been posthumously diagnosed, and the list also includes a few living people who claim to have been clinically labelled as autistic when they were children. There is also quite a collection of famous people, including one Nobel Prize winner, who claim to be themselves currently autistic, to varying degrees. Rock star Craig Nicholls was formally diagnosed by a Dr Attwood in 2004 in Australia. Fields Medallist Prof. R. Borcherds was sorta-kinda diagnosed by Prof. Baron-Cohen, and this diagnostic process was described in detail in a popular science book. See the list at the blog Incorrect Pleasures for more details. Below is a very rudimentary list of the names listed at Incorrect Pleasures:
John Couch Adams
Joy Adamson
Sherwood Anderson
Archimedes of Syracuse
Hans Asperger
Julian Assange
W. H. Auden
Sir A.J. Ayer
Dan Aykroyd CM
Charles Babbage FRS
Stefan Banach
Syd Barrett / Roger Barrett
Béla Bártok
Daisy Bates
Samuel Beckett
David Bellamy OBE
Jeremy Bentham
Richard Borcherds
Robert Boyle
Gordon Brown
Anton Bruckner
Warren Buffett
Tim Burton
David Byrne
Lewis Carroll
Augustin Louis Cauchy
Henry Cavendish
King Charles XII of Sweden
Bruce Chatwin
Bram Cohen
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Marie Curie
Helen Dale / Darville / Demidenko
Henry Darger
Charles Darwin
Emily Dickinson
Paul Dirac OM FRS
Greg Egan
Albert Einstein FRS
Robert Emmet
Paul Erdos
Robert "Bobby" Fischer
Tim Fischer AC FTSE
Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher FRS
Henry Ford
Janet Frame ONZ CBE
Rosalind Franklin
Evariste Galois
Bill Gates
Antoni Gaudi
Charles de Gaulle
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss
Kurt Godel
Major-General Charles George Gordon CB
Glenn Gould
Temple Grandin
Sir William Rowan Hamilton
Daryl Hannah
G. H. Hardy
John Hartford
Hermann Hesse
Patricia Highsmith
David Hilbert
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Edward Hopper
John Howard (1726-1790)
Peter Howson
Stonewall Jackson
Thomas Jefferson
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Irene Joliot-Curie
Sir Keith Joseph CH PC
James Joyce
Wassily Kandinsky
Leo Kanner
Immanuel Kant
Andy Kaufman
Alfred Kinsey
Stanley Kubrick
Ladyhawke / Pip Brown
Paul Laffoley
Joseph Louis Lagrange
Oscar Levant
Charles Lindbergh
Nikolai Lobachevsky
Deborah Locke
Courtney Love
H. P Lovecraft
L.S. Lowry
James Clerk Maxwell FRS
Darius McCollum
Herman Melville
Gregor Mendel
Reg Mombassa / Christopher O'Doherty
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein KG GCB DSO PC
Caiseal Mor
Les Murray
John F. Nash Jr.
Craig Newmark
Sir Isaac Newton FRS
Craig Nicholls
Nico / Christa Paffgen
Moe Norman
Gary Numan
George Orwell
Patrick Pearse
Grigori Perelman
King Philip II of Spain
Henri Poincare
Enoch Powell MBE
Willard Van Orman Quine
Srinivasa Ramanujan
Charles Richter
Bernhard Riemann
Paul Robeson
Peter Mark Roget FRS
Bertrand Russell
Carl Sagan
Erik Satie
Solomon Shereshevskii
William Shockley
Boris Sidis
William James Sidis
Adam Smith
Vernon L. Smith
Richard Stallman
Lawrence Summers
Screaming Lord Sutch / David Sutch
Jonathan Swift
Satoshi Tajiri
Daniel Tammet
Nikola Tesla
Henry David Thoreau
Alan Turing
J. M. W. Turner
Maurice Utrillo
Eamon de Valera
Michael Ventris
Louis Wain
Robert Walser
Andy Warhol
John B. Watson
Simone Weil
Orson Welles
Herbert G. Wells
Opal Whiteley
Norbert Wiener
Thomas "Blind Tom" Wiggins
Ludwig Wittgenstein
Jack B. Yeats
W. B. Yeats
Bill Gates
If you are also interested in famous people who have or might have had synesthesia/synaesthesia, there is also a list of famous synaesthetes at the Incorrect Pleasures blog.
Heather, who recently appeared on America's Next Top Model. Albert Einstein. Ludwig Wittgenstein- A philosopher/linguist. Temple Grandin- An author, livestock handling equipment designer and professor.
A lot, for example, Jane Austen, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Vincent Van Gogh and so on.
Some famous people who are autistic;
Some famous people thought to had had autism;
Wolfgang A. Mozart was possibly autistic, "Ladyhawke" had Asbergers, James Taylor had autism, possibly Michael Jackson, Jane Austen, Robert Napper, and Temple Gradin. These are just a few!
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
There are several Autistic people who are famous, and who are open about being Autistic.Courtney Love, Dan Aykroyd, and Daryl Hannah are some of the better known Autistic people. It is very likely that there are other famous Autistic people, especially in the arts, but often people go undiagnosed or will hide their diagnosis because of prejudice against Autistic people.
He's partially sighted and has Autism
No, Darryl Hannah's diagnosis is Autism Spectrum Disorder.Asperger Syndrome was a separate diagnosis to Autism, one given to children without developmental delays, but now Asperger Syndrome has been merged into Autism diagnosis. Darryl Hannah was severely Autistic as a child, enough that she was almost institutionalized.
Albert Einstein
Of course they can. Children with Autism can reach whatever career they choose. Temple Grandin is a very famous person with Autism, and she has written many great books about Autism.
There are many famous people with autism, not all are open about their autism. Some of the most famous people with autism include Ladyhawke, Albert Einstein, Daryl Hannah, Stanley Kubrick, Heather Kuzmich, Travis Meeks, Adam Young, Temple Grandin, Courtney Love, Marty Balin, Matt Savage, Issac Newton, Israel Paskowitz, and Satoshi Tajiri.
Albert Einstein
It would not be ethical or legal to do anything TO people who have autism.
Yes people with autism do repeat them self's.
There are likely been many famous women who have autism, most of whom may not have been public about their autism or may not have been aware they were autistic. Three of the most famous autistic women include Temple Grandin, Courtney Love, and Daryl Hannah.
Not all people with anger have autism but autistic people do tend to have anger issues
Autism awareness is about understanding, recognizing, and supporting individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It aims to promote acceptance, inclusion, and early intervention to help those with autism thrive. For expert care and guidance, consult Dr. T. R. Yadav, a trusted Autism Specialist in Lucknow, to support your childβs development journey.
It's not hard to fight Autism because there is no reason to fight Autism to begin with. Autism is not a bad things, it's not something people need to fight but Autism is a group of people who deserve to be fought for and not against!
No one 'gets' autism. Autism is a neurological difference, people who are autistic are born autistic and it'snot something that they contract.