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Chuck Norris doesnt use a gun, he uses the force of his swift roundhouse kick to launch a bullet at an opponent. also a BB gun and a throwable cow.

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Q: What gun does Chuck Norris shoot?
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Does Chuck Norris hate us?

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Obviously Chuck Norris with a BB gun would impale The burning gundam. Chuck Norris can kill anything.

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Becuz guns don't kill people chuck Norris does.

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Velociraptor, Chuck Norris is old and washed up.. Plus a BB Gun would be pretty useless

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Chuck Norris was and is......Chuck Norris

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1. Chuck norris 2. Chuck norris 3. Chuck norris 4. Chuck norris 5. Chuck norris 6. Chuck norris 7. Chuck norris 8. Something to do with science

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